Diablo 4 Items / Third Eye Elixir

Third Eye Elixir

Third Eye Elixir

Buy Diablo 4 Third Eye Elixir | 4-6% Dodge

  • Season 7 - SC
  • 5 ~ 30 minutos
  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
  • 25
  • 30

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Diablo IV es bueno, pero LOLTANK necesita ajustes.

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Third Eye Elixir Descripción

In Diablo 4, players who want to improve their chances of survival and speed up the progress should consider consuming Third Eye Elixir. The Third Eye Elixir is a potion that makes dodge ability more effective and speeds up experience gain.


Name Req Level Effect Craft Cost
Weak 10 Increases Dodge by 4% and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes. Gallowvine x8 + Howler Moss x5 + 1,000 Gold
Normal 40 Increases Dodge by 6% and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes. Gallowvine x10 + Howler Moss x8 + Crushed Beast Bones x6 + 1,500 Gold
Strong 55 Increases Dodge by 7% and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes. Gallowvine x12 + Howler Moss x10 + Crushed Beast Bones x8 + 2,000 Gold
Potent 70 Increases Dodge by 8% and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes. Gallowvine x15 + Howler Moss x10 + Crushed Beast Bones x10 + Angelbreath x5 2,500 Gold
Heady 85 Increases Dodge by 10% and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes. Gallowvine x15 + Howler Moss x10 + Crushed Beast Bones x10 + Angelbreath x10 + Fiend Rose x5 + 3,000 Gold


Understanding the Effects of Third Eye Elixir

Enhanced Dodge: This elixir improves your character's dodging abilities, making you more resistant while fighting. It can come in handy when dealing with tough opponents or bosses.

Increased Experience Gain: It also increases the number of experience points you get for killing monsters and performing quests. This way, players can develop their heroes faster.


Third Eye Elixir Crafting

To craft Third Eye Elixir, visit any alchemist in the game, access his crafting menu and select recipe for Third Eye Elixir. Make sure that you have all necessary ingredients and make it. After this, the elixir will be kept in Consumable Tab of your Inventory.


Obtaining an Elixir

Enemy Drops: Some enemies may drop elixirs like Third Eye among others upon death. These drops differ in quality as well as level.

Chest Exploration: Throughout the game open chests regularly especially when occurring events or those found in dungeons because they can have an elixir inside of them.

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