Ancient Times
Buy Diablo 4 Ancient Times provides temporary enhancements
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- Season 7 - SC
- Eternal - SC
- Season 7 - SC
- 5 ~ 30 Minutes
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L'expérience avec le service Ancient Times sur LOLTANK a été exceptionnelle, très satisfait.
CS:GO sur Steam, parfait pour les joueurs.
Absolument ravi avec le service Diablo IV, LOLTANK a dépassé toutes mes attentes.
Très content avec l'achat de Ancient Times pour D4 sur LOLTANK.
Assez déçu par le service Ancient Times, attendait plus de LOLTANK.
LOLTANK offre un service D4 exceptionnel, très heureux.
In Diablo 4, Ancient Times is one of the consumables that temporarily boosts your character's Strength attribute.
Increase your character's strength by 25 for each player nearby.
It lasts for twenty minutes.
It is incense type I. If it has a similar duration like other incense, you will have to wait until it finishes or remove it before using another type of incense that has the same duration of effect.
You can manage consumable items by assigning them to quick item slots during gameplay.
Pressing the appropriate button on your keyboard will bring up your Character Menu and navigate to the Inventory section under which you will find a tab labeled Consumables.
When you enter the Consumables menu, you can drag and drop Ancient Times or any other consumable into a quick item slot.
To use any consumable put into the quick item slot press its respective key.
Before using Ancient Times, ensure that it is assigned to one of the quick item slots.
One can craft it through specific recipe(s).
These are requirements needed for crafting Ancient Times:
You must be level 50 minimum
Gather these materials:
When all necessary materials have been obtained go to a crafting station or talk to an appropriate NPC and make an Ancient Time.
Please provide the maximum number (as X) of Ancient Times per slot in this detail. This number may be limited in the game.
Try coordinating with other players close by when using strength bonus items so as to maximize their effect.
In challenging fights or boss encounters use ancient time wisely so as to gain an upper hand over them.
Consider using Ancient Times in PVP (Player versus Player) battles to strengthen your character.
Pay attention to the duration of the effect. Know when you need to use it again by setting a timer or reminder.
Ancient Times is a consumable item in Diablo 4 that can be used while playing other similar video games. You may experiment with various kinds of such items and then identify which ones are suitable for your playing style and offer more benefits.