Élixir d’extermination des morts-vivants
Buy Diablo 4 Elixir of Undead-Slaying | 20% Damage Against Undead Forces
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Elixir of Undead-Slaying Rapide et précis
Pas une mauvaise première expérience. Elixir of Undead-Slaying Sera-t-il compatible avec ce niveau de service?
Once you reach level 36, you can unlock the Elixir of Undead-Slaying. Using it will allow you to navigate Sanctuary faster and win battles more quickly.
You can craft the Elixir of Undead-Slaying at an Alchemist once your character reaches level 36.
Required Crafting Materials:
Material | Quantity |
Gallowvine | 15 |
Angelbreath | 1 |
Blightshade | 10 |
Lifesbane | 5 |
Grave Dust | 3 |
Gold | 1000 |
During events, chests are often located throughout Sanctuary which contain an Elixir of Undead-Slaying. Thus, you never know where this powerful potion may be found, such as in an underground cellar or a hidden dungeon.
With Elixir of Undead-Slaying, your combat abilities can be instantly increased by 20% when fighting against undead creatures (vampires, skeletons, zombies, etc.). Mapping it to your Emote Wheel will make it easily accessible.
Elixir of Undead-Slayings will be delivered to you within 5-30 minutes after confirmation of payment.
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