Frammento dell'Agonia
Buy Diablo 4 Handwork Shard of Agony for Summon Duriel Mats
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Summoning Diablo 4 Boss Duriel requires Shards of Agony. These are essential as you need two of them together with 2 x Mucus-Slick Eggs to summon Duriel in Gaping Crevasse at southern Kehjistan. However, the shards are extremely rare and can be found only at certain locations.
Where: Inside the Malignant Burrow.
Materials needed: The Gurgling Head, Malignant Heart, Trembling Hand, Blackened Femur.
Sources: The Whispers; open-world monster drops; World Boss encounters.
Location: Hall of the Penitent within the Torment world tier.
Summoning Grimoire: Open Tortured Gift of Living Steel chests during Helltides and get five Living Steel out of it. You can find these chests by using Aberrant Cinders and each chest will require 600 Aberrant Cinders totally.
Note: Shard of Agony Drops only on World Tier 4.
Guaranteed Drop: This Shard is guaranteed for the person who calls Gregoire.
Go out there and get some Living Steel to summon Grigoire.
Method: To unlock this material open up some Helltide chests which contain 300 Aberrant Cinders each.
Objective: Required for Getting Duriel Tickets
Steps: Bring your character to the Gaping Crevasse dungeon in Southern Kehjistan where you’ll place two Shards of Agony and two Mucus Slick Eggs on Pestilent Altar
Starting point: Kindly go ahead and contact our Livechat so that you can have all necessary information and be comfortable while making a deal.
Ordering: If you are confident enough about Shard of Agony, please make your order.
Deliveries: We will deliver the materials you have ordered as discussed earlier.
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Ask Quickly: Whenever you have a question, we are dedicated to providing you with a prompt response.
Efficiencies in trading: Most trades should be completed within 15 minutes.
Sources of Reliability: Shards of Agony comes from trusted sources.
Do not communicate with sellers in-game for the safety of your transaction.
Scammers should be avoided at all costs, never give back the materials after the trade.
Once the transaction is over you take responsibility for the Shards of Agony.
What happens after that is not our business and LOLTANK / its sellers are not responsible.