Diablo 4 Items / Soothing Spices

Soothing Spices

Soothing Spices

Buy Diablo 4 Soothing Spices to Replenish various elements

  • Season 7 - SC
  • 5 ~ 30 min
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6

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Grazie al servizio Diablo IV, il mio gioco è ora molto più fluido.

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D4 su LOLTANK ha superato le mie aspettative.

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Soothing Spices Descrizione

In Diablo 4, Soothing Spices are consumable items used to replenish different elements and temporarily buff damage or defense. 


Soothing Spices Use and Effect

Each player in the vicinity gains 10% all resistances and 150 armor from Soothing Spices. 

Soothing Spices effect lasts for twenty minutes.

Remember that Soothing spices fall under the Category II Incense, only one of which can be active at a time.


Managing and Assigning Soothing Spices

Assigning soothing spices to the quick item slot is done via managing them through Character Menu.

Choose Consumables from Inventory category.

Look for Soothing Spices in your inventory and assign them to any of the quick item slots you prefer.


Using Soothing Spices

Once placed in the quick item slot, players can use soothing spices when they are playing.

To activate such spices, press either button or key associated with your quick item slot that you have assigned.


How to Find Soothing Spices?

The game offers several ways of obtaining soothing spices:

  • Enemy or boss drops: defeat bosses or strong enemies to get a chance of looting Soothing Spices.
  • Treasure chests: go through the game world and open treasure chests in order to find Soothing Spice.
  • Merchants: these NPCs might trade this incense giving players an opportunity to buy it using in-game currency.


Requirements and Recipe for Soothing Spices

The following requirements must be met if one wants to acquire soothing spices:

Minimum character level: 7

Additionally, soothing spices may be crafted as shown in these recipe:

  • Howler Moss x30
  • Lifesbane x30
  • Angelbreath x5
  • Fiend Rose x5
  • Veiled Crystal x20
  • Paletongue x5


Also, for one to craft soothing spices, he/she will require at least 5,000 gold.


Notes & Tips

Maximum number of Soothing Spices that can be held per slot is available in this game through in-game data.

Also, player should remember that their nearby comrades may also benefit from using Soothing Spices. Consequently, it is essential that one plans with these allies in order to fully optimize the positive impact of Soothing Spices.

Gather the required ingredients if you want to create soothing spices even if there is no other possible way to get them.


From this explanation one can understand more about Soothing spice within Diablo 4. You will use these consumables to boost your resistances and armor while increasing your chances of success.

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