Diablo 4 Items / Desert Escape

Desert Escape

Desert Escape

Buy Diablo 4 Desert Escape replenish certain elements

  • Season 7 - SC
  • 5 ~ 30 Minutos
  • 1
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6

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4.8 / 5
4.8 de 5 (de 13 avaliações de clientes)

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5 ★
Votos(10) / 76.9%
4 ★
Votos(3) / 23.1%
22 Mar
5 / 5

Nunca me diverti tanto jogando D4, serviço top.

12 Feb
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Serviço excepcional no LOLTANK, muito recomendado para D4.

09 Feb
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D4 no LOLTANK é de tirar o fôlego.

28 Jan
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Não posso recomendar o LOLTANK o suficiente. O serviço de Desert Escape para Diablo IV é top.

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5 / 5

LOLTANK mandou bem demais no serviço Desert Escape para D4, recomendo.

22 Nov
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LOLTANK me fez esquecer que D4 era só um jogo, vivendo o sonho!

Desert Escape Descrição

The Diablo 4's Desert Escape is a consumable that can replenish some aspects and add temporary damage or defense buffs.


Desert Escape Use and Effect

When used, it provides the following:

Fire and Shadow Resistances increased by 7.5%

Armor increased by 75 per surrounding player

It lasts for 20 minutes.

However, It is a type I incense, and only one Incense of a type may be active at a time.


How to Use Desert Escape?

To use Desert Escape or any other consumable item slotted into the quick item slots, follow these steps:

Character Menu can be opened using the assigned key or from game menu.

Go to Consumables in Inventory section.

Manage and assign Desert Escape or any other consumable item into the quick item slots.

While playing, press its corresponding key given in quick item slot to activate it when you have it as your Desert Escape.


How to Find Desert Escape?

It can be obtained through the following means:

Defeating enemies or bosses may result in them dropping desert escape as loot. Enemy drops, Treasure chests found throughout different locations.

Check with merchants, they might have desert escape available for sale.


Recipe for Desert Escape

In case you prefer crafting your own version of this potion use these things:

  • 10x Lifesbane
  • 10x Blightshade
  • 5x Angelbreath
  • 10x Biteberry
  • 5x Demon's Heart
  • 5000x Gold


Use crafting interface to make the desert escape through combining these ingredients.


Notes & Tips for Desert Escape

Here are some additional notes and tips on how to use desert escape;

Desert escape's maximum number of items per slot is determined by the game during game play and may differ from one slot to another. For further details check out your inventory or item tooltips.

It also offers valuable resistance bonuses plus more armor that make your character survive longer against enemies who cause heavy fire or shadow damage.

Desert Escape's Armor bonus depends on how many players are near by. Coordinate with your party members for maximum effectiveness of the armor bonus.

Always make sure to have enough desert escape and/or other consumables in your inventory, as they might come in handy during tough battles or exploration through dangerous zones.


By using this consumable item you will be able to develop your character's features and withstand challenging trials.

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