Diablo 4 Items / Eliksir precyzji

Precision Elixir

Eliksir precyzji

Buy Diablo 4 Precision Elixir | 15-35% Critical Strike Damage

  • Season 7 - SC
  • 5 ~ 30 Minutos
  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
  • 25
  • 30

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Eliksir precyzji Descrição

To enhance player abilities, Diablo 4 employs an Elixir system. The Precision Elixir is used in addition to boosting Critical Strike Chance and damage by players trying to maximize their output.


Precision Elixir Types:

Name Req Level Effect Craft Cost
Weak 30 Increases Critical Strike Chance by 2%, Critical Strike Damage by 15%, and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes. Gallowvine x15 + Blightshade x5 + 1,000 Gold
Normal 60 Increases Critical Strike Chance by 3%, Critical Strike Damage by 20%, and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes. Gallowvine x15 + Blightshade x9 + Paletongue x6 + Grave Dust x3 + 1,500 Gold
Strong 70 Increases Critical Strike Chance by 3%, Critical Strike Damage by 20%, and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes. Gallowvine x15 + Blightshade x10 + Paletongue x8 + Grave Dust x5 + 2,000 Gold
Potent 80 Increases Critical Strike Chance by 5%, Critical Strike Damage by 30%, and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes. Gallowvine x15 + Blightshade x10 + Paletongue x10 + Grave Dust x7 + Angelbreath x5 + 2,500 Gold
Heady 95 Increases Critical Strike Chance by 6%, Critical Strike Damage by 35%, and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes. Gallowvine x15 + Blightshade x10 + Paletongue x10 + Grave Dust x10 + Angelbreath x10 + Fiend Rose x5 + 3,000 Gold


Crafting the Precision Elixir

Alchemist Crafting: You can make this elixir in any Alchemist in the game. Ingredients needed are listed below. Remember you can keep four elixirs of one type.

Materials Management: If the strongest version is not available, a less potent variant may be crafted.


Finding the Elixir

Enemy Drops: Precision Elixir is among the various elixirs that may be dropped by defeated enemies. Always check for them on the loot table.

Find chests throughout Sanctuary for Elixirs, which typically drop at higher rates during event-related chests.


Consuming the Elixir

Inventory Use: Once acquired, navigate to your Consumable Tab within your inventory and consume it for a 30-minute buff.

Emoticon Wheel Access: For quick consumption during combat, Map an Emote Wheel with quick access to your elixir.


Active Elixir Status

It enhances Critical Strike Chance, Critical Strike Damage, Experience gain by 5% after consumption. One such elixir can only be active at a time.


Elixir Stacking Limitation

The Precision Elixir cannot be used at once with another Elixir in Diablo 4. If an additional Elxir of any type is currently active then wait until its duration ends before using another one.


Maximizing the Elixir's Benefits

Synergy with Builds: The Precision Elixir works best for builds that focus on Critical Strikes. Pair it with appropriate gear, skills and abilities for increased effects.

Timed Usage: Activate the elixir when entering challenging battles or boss fights to ensure maximum impact.

Team Strategy: To effectively use this consumable as a group weapon in combat; let your party members know what they are doing.

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