Diablo 4 Items / Flawless Amethyst

Flawless Amethyst

Flawless Amethyst

Diablo 4 Flawless Amethyst - Buy Diablo IV Flawless Amethys with Fast Delivery

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25 Feb
5 / 5

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17 Feb
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Die Dienstleistung Flawless Amethyst für Diablo IV auf LOLTANK übertrifft alle Standards. Hoch zufrieden.

12 Feb
5 / 5

Schnelle Lieferung von D4 durch LOLTANK, sehr zufrieden.

28 Jan
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Bei LOLTANK D4 zu kaufen war die beste Entscheidung.

20 Jan
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Diablo IV Service auf LOLTANK ist ziemlich gut.

30 Dec
5 / 5

Diablo IV ist mein Lieblingsspiel, dank LOLTANK.

Flawless Amethyst Beschreibung

In Diablo 4, you can make a Flawless Amethyst by using an Amethyst jewel to fill the socket. The bonuses from this particular gem may vary depending upon the type of equipment it is applied to. Keep in mind that you can have the Jeweler remove any gem socketed into your gear so that you can use it on different gears. This way, Jeweler will add the bonus resistances and extra stats to your rings and amulets giving more room for your personal touch.


The Impact of Flawless Amethyst

Weapons: This gem increases Damage Over Time (DoT) in all weapons by between 1% and 7%. This makes such weapons more effective in terms of damage output over time. It is ideal for DoT based builds when dealing with enemies.

Armor: Socketing flawless amethysts into armor provides good defense. The amount of damage taken per second decreases from 1% to 11.4%. It helps sustain stamina during battles with stronger opponents or long-time confrontations.

Jewelry: When placed into rings or amulets, this gem will improve the Shadow Resistance. For instance, it might add between 1% and 19.6%. This would be advantageous against foes who cast shadow spells and cause shadow damage.


Upgrading Flawless Amethyst

It is possible to enhance a better quality gem out of a Flawless Amethyst if need be for higher tier characters. However, one has to pay three gems plus gold investment amounting approximately up to one hundred thousand while putting it into any socketed gear.


To create a Flawless Amethyst

you need three amethysts crafted from three perfect squares each costing you about eighteen thousand Gold coins which are not very cheap. Once these materials are available at your craft interface, just use them to produce one piece of a flawless amethyst.


Flawless Amethyst can be used to upgrade socketed items and benefits provided will not vary according to the type of gears you are using. Thus, whether you are using weapons, armor, rings or amulets, the insertion of these gems brings good offensive, defensive and shadow resistance boosts for your character.


You can visit Jeweler in order to remove any of your gems without damaging them so that you get a chance to try out various gem combinations that would work best for different scenarios and build optimization. Additionally, it's worth remembering about the possibility of adding bonus resistances as well as more stats on one's rings and amulets by Jeweler hence making characters more personalized with higher level specialties.


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