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- Anathema Horde
- Bloodsail Buccaneers Horde
- Anathema Alliance
- Benediction Alliance
- Lionheart (AU) Horde
- Azuresong Horde
- Azuresong Alliance
- Atiesh Horde
- Atiesh Alliance
- Ashkandi Horde
- Ashkandi Alliance
- Arcanite Reaper Alliance
- Arcanite Reaper Horde
- Blaumeux Horde
- Blaumeux Alliance
- Bigglesworth Horde
- Bigglesworth Alliance
- Bloodsail Buccaneers Alliance
- Deviate Delight Alliance
- Deviate Delight Horde
- Faerlina Horde
- Arugal Alliance
- Arugal Horde
- Benediction Horde
- Earthfury Alliance
- Earthfury Horde
- Herod Horde
- Herod Alliance
- Heartseeker Horde
- Heartseeker Alliance
- Grobbulus Horde
- Grobbulus Alliance
- Felstriker Horde
- Felstriker Alliance
- Fairbanks Horde
- Fairbanks Alliance
- Faerlina Alliance
- Incendius Alliance
- Incendius Horde
- Kirtonos Alliance
- Kirtonos Horde
- Kromcrush Alliance
- Kromcrush Horde
- Kurinnaxx Alliance
- Kurinnaxx Horde
- Loatheb Alliance
- Loatheb Horde
- Mankrik Alliance
- Mankrik Horde
- Myzrael Alliance
- Myzrael Horde
- Netherwind Alliance
- Netherwind Horde
- Old Blanchy Alliance
- Old Blanchy Horde
- Pagle Alliance
- Pagle Horde
- Rattlegore Alliance
- Rattlegore Horde
- Remulos Alliance
- Remulos Horde
- Skeram Alliance
- Skeram Horde
- Smolderweb Alliance
- Smolderweb Horde
- Stalagg Alliance
- Stalagg Horde
- Sulfuras Alliance
- Sulfuras Horde
- Sul\'thraze Alliance
- Sul\'thraze Horde
- Thalnos Alliance
- Thalnos Horde
- Thunderfury Alliance
- Thunderfury Horde
- Westfall Alliance
- Westfall Horde
- Whitemane Alliance
- Whitemane Horde
- Windseeker Alliance
- Windseeker Horde
- Yojamba Alliance
- Yojamba Horde
- Amnennar Alliance
- Amnennar Horde
- Ashbringer Alliance
- Ashbringer Horde
- Auberdine Alliance
- Auberdine Horde
- Bloodfang Alliance
- Bloodfang Horde
- Celebras Alliance
- Celebras Horde
- Chromie(Хроми) Alliance
- Chromie(Хроми) Horde
- Dragon\'s Call Alliance
- Dragon\'s Call Horde
- Dragonfang Alliance
- Dragonfang Horde
- Dreadmist Alliance
- Dreadmist Horde
- Earthshaker Alliance
- Earthshaker Horde
- Everlook Alliance
- Everlook Horde
- Finkle Alliance
- Finkle Horde
- Firemaw Alliance
- Firemaw Horde
- Flamegor(Пламегор) Alliance
- Flamegor(Пламегор) Horde
- Flamelash Alliance
- Flamelash Horde
- Gandling Alliance
- Gandling Horde
- Gehennas Alliance
- Gehennas Horde
- Golemagg Alliance
- Golemagg Horde
- Harbinger of Doom Alliance
- Harbinger of Doom Horde
- Heartstriker Alliance
- Heartstriker Horde
- Hydraxian Waterlords Alliance
- Hydraxian Waterlords Horde
- Judgement Alliance
- Judgement Horde
- Lakeshire Alliance
- Lakeshire Horde
- Lucifron Alliance
- Lucifron Horde
- Mandokir Alliance
- Mandokir Horde
- Mirage Raceway Alliance
- Mirage Raceway Horde
- Mograine Alliance
- Mograine Horde
- Nethergarde Keep Alliance
- Nethergarde Keep Horde
- Noggenfogger Alliance
- Noggenfogger Horde
- Patchwerk Alliance
- Patchwerk Horde
- Pyrewood Village Alliance
- Pyrewood Village Horde
- Razorfen Alliance
- Razorfen Horde
- Razorgore Alliance
- Razorgore Horde
- Rhok’delar(Рок Делар) Alliance
- Rhok’delar(Рок Делар) Horde
- Shazzrah Alliance
- Shazzrah Horde
- Skullflame Alliance
- Skullflame Horde
- Stonespine Alliance
- Stonespine Horde
- Sulfuron Alliance
- Sulfuron Horde
- Ten Storms Alliance
- Ten Storms Horde
- Transcendence Alliance
- Transcendence Horde
- Venoxis Alliance
- Venoxis Horde
- Wyrmthalak(3мейталак) Alliance
- Wyrmthalak(3мейталак) Horde
- Zandalar Tribe Alliance
- Zandalar Tribe Horde
- Defias Pillager Alliance
- Defias Pillager Horde
- Skull Rock Alliance
- Skull Rock Horde
- Nek’Rosh Alliance
- Nek’Rosh Horde
- Stitches Alliance
- Stitches Horde
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