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Is LOL Mobile EZ three-phase or ice fist?

In LOL Mobile, EZ is one of the absolute killers in the mid-to-low-end game in the open server version, and many players even think that if one lineup gathers EZ robots, basically the game will be won. However, for different players, even the same powerful heroes, differences in outfits and operations can bring about completely different consequences. Let's talk to the players today about whether EZ is out of Sanxiang or Ice Boxing.

Is LOL Mobile EZ three-phase or ice fist?
EZ's core equipment in LOL Mobile has been retained, and even magic cut is greatly enhanced, so EZ magic cut and rundown in mobile games are excellent choices. However, many players do not know whether to choose an ice fist or three-phase in the upgrade options of the small piece of Yaoguang. Here we strongly recommend ice fist unless the player thinks a decisive gap between his level and the opponent.
The reason why ice fist is more versatile than three-phase is that its special effects bring aoe damage to slow down. The mobile game version of LOL features a small map. Traditional AD is more prone to be stunned. At this time, Q with a high hit rate with assisted aiming can be disgusting to almost all melee heroes. Kites and pokes are unique. Unless the upper and middle heroes in the opponent's lineup are AP core jungle and not AD bursts, we can choose the three-phase. After all, the armor brought by the ice fist is useless.

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