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Where to farm the kinks oath in Lost Ark?

Lost Ark has many different final events in which you can take part and get a lot of awards. These awards can be used to buy things and even the manufacture of armor. One of such items that helps create armor sets with higher levels of objects is called Knight's oath .

Knight's Oath Lost Ark - How to get seraphic oath set

Knight's oath can be farm only during the passage of the dungeons, especially in the target area of the ancient Elveria. ABYSSAL DUNGEONS can be found in any major urban center near guaranium raids and Raid ** and can be performed only once a week.

how to get a knight oath in Lost Ark

Since the knight's oath can only be obtained in the deep raids of the ancient Elveria, this means that you can get it, only by performing either Canyon of the beasts demons or The origin of the necromancer Assual dungeons.

In addition, given that this is only one of the expected awards for the passage of the dungeon of the abyss, there is a chance that it may not fall out, which means that you will need to wait until the next Thursday at 5 am on the Eastern Baseline Time to repeat the attempt.

To learn more about Lost Ark, read all the locations of monsters in Arttin in Lost Ark in professional guidelines for the game.

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