D4 Custom Gear

D4 Custom Gear Reviews on LOLTANK

09 Aug
5 / 5

Very fast all went perfectly thanks Loltank!

09 Aug
5 / 5

Super fast, Loltank easy to do and super helpful love it!

09 Aug
5 / 5

A board Diablo IV that will not bore you

08 Aug
5 / 5

It was great I got a UK Items Custom S1 Items Custom S1 for 5 GBP and bought Maximo vs. Army of Zin on sale on Items Custom S1 and the D4 worked on my NTSC USA PS3 at Full NTSC 60hz as the D4 has native NTSC 60hz mode and PAL 50hz mode respectively! I will buy more from you guys in t

08 Aug
5 / 5

I thought I'd weigh up my options in D4 15 so that I could spend the least money possible to build a great squad.

07 Aug
3 / 5

Fun Loltank for a bit, but not quite Nerf quality or fun Loltank.

07 Aug
5 / 5

I have ordered two Diablo IV from this company at two occasions. First time I had to make a telephone confirmation, except from that everything went smooth.

Average user rating
4.6 / 5
4.6 out of 5 (from 147 Customers ratings)

Rating breakdown

5 ★
Votes(103) / 70.1%
4 ★
Votes(28) / 19%
3 ★
Votes(11) / 7.5%
2 ★
Votes(4) / 2.7%
1 ★
Votes(1) / 0.7%

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