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Elden Ring Top 7 Great Runes: Strengths & Weaknesses

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on ranking the great runes in Elden Ring! In this article, we will discuss 7 great runes and evaluate its usefulness. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting your journey, understanding the potential benefits and drawbacks of each rune can greatly enhance your gameplay experience. So, let's dive right in and explore the rankings of the great runes in Elden Ring!


Elden Ring Top 7 Great Runes: Strengths & Weaknesses


Top 7. Mohg's Great Rune

Mohg's Great Rune takes the last spot on our list. Primarily focused on multiplayer effects, this rune offers limited value unless you're summoning spirit ashes or utilizing specific builds. While it does provide a health regeneration effect when your summoned spirits defeat enemies, the inconsistent activation and the lack of clarity regarding its radius make it less reliable. This rune is commonly used in PvP blood builds, but overall, it doesn't have a significant impact on the game.


Top 6. Malenia's Great Rune

Malenia's Great Rune, akin to Bloodborne's rally mechanic, diminishes the effectiveness of your crimson flask by 30%. This penalty can be mitigated by equipping the Crimson See Talisman, but it occupies a valuable talisman slot. The rune becomes more beneficial for quick weapon users and power stance builds, but if you prefer slower weapons, it might not be worth using due to the flask efficiency reduction.


Top 5. The Unborn Rune

The Unborn Rune allows you to respec your character, providing flexibility in experimenting with different builds and strategies. While useful for testing boss encounters or adapting to different playstyles, this rune doesn't offer significant gameplay enhancements compared to other runes. It is more suitable for players seeking experimentation and versatility.


Top 4. Reichard's Great Rune

Reichard's Great Rune is a health siphon machine providing a consistent health regeneration effect upon defeating enemies. This rune synergizes well with other healing effects and damage mitigation tools, making it ideal for dungeon exploration and casual gameplay. Its versatility makes it a valuable choice for various caster builds and playstyles.


Top 3. Morgott's Great Rune

Morgott's Great Rune increases your maximum HP by 25 points, providing an excellent buffer against enemy attacks. This bonus HP is calculated based on your current health modifiers, making it a substantial increase in survivability. While its benefits are felt throughout the game, it shines particularly in end-game content where survival becomes more challenging.


Top 2. Godrick's Great Rune

Godrick's Great Rune offers a significant boost to all attributes, providing five additional levels in each stat. This rune is especially potent in the early to mid-game, bolstering your health, FP, stamina, equip load, and status defences. However, its reliance on Runarch's Game can lead to dependency issues, as running out of runes may disrupt your build progression.


Top 1. Radahn's Great Rune

Claiming the top spot is Radahn's Great Rune. It grants a substantial increase in stamina, ensuring that you have ample endurance for combat encounters. This rune remains consistently valuable throughout the game and excels in scenarios where stamina management is crucial. With its balanced benefits and universal usefulness, Radon's Great Rune stands as the preferred choice for many players.



In Elden Ring, the choice of a great rune can significantly impact your gameplay experience. While each rune offers distinct advantages and disadvantages, understanding their effects and how they align with your preferred playstyle is essential. Whether you prioritize survivability, damage output, or versatility, this guide will help you make an informed decision when selecting a great rune. May your choice of rune aid you on your journey through the lands of Elden Ring!

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