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Season of Discovery Warrior Ultimate Pre-Raid BiS Gear List | WoW Classic

In the last chapter, we discussed the Paladin Pre-Raid BiS Gear List in Season of Discovery. Today we will take a look at the Warrior Ultimate Pre-Raid BiS Gear List. Whether you're dual-wielding, swinging a two-hander, or holding the line with a shield, you've got the info you need to dominate. We will describe the List content through three aspects: gear, talents, and runes.  



Season of Discovery Warrior Ultimate Pre-Raid BiS Gear List | WoW Classic


Talent Build

First things first, let's talk talents. For maximum DPS, we're going all out:

  • Cruelty: 5 points for that juicy 5% crit chance.
  • Rend, Heroic Strike, Improved Charge: A mix of 2 - 3 points here to spice up your basic attacks.
  • Tactical Mastery: 3 points, where else are you gonna put 'em.
  • Overpower: 1 point, because who doesn't love a good smackdown.


Rune Choices

  • Chest Rune: Flagellation for that extra smack.
  • Leg Rune: Consumed by Rage - let the anger flow!
  • Hand Rune: Single-Minded Fury, because dual-wielding is twice the fun.


Gear Selection

Now onto the gear. This is where you shine!

  • Helmet: Humbert's Helmet is a top pick. World drop, so keep an eye on the auction house.
  • Neck: Sentinel's Medallion – a reward for your PvP efforts with Silver Wing Sentinels.
  • Shoulders: Bristlebark Amice for the DPS lift. If you can't find it, Glimmering Mail Pauldrons are a solid plan B.
  • Cape: Slayer's Cape for strength and stamina. It's easily obtainable and gives you a nice DPS boost.
  • Chest: Shining Silver Breastplate is a crafter's dream. Can't afford it? Mutant Scale Breastplate from Wailing Caverns is almost as good.
  • Wrists: Patterned Bronze Bracers are your go-to. Enchant them with strength for extra muscle.
  • Weapons: Here's where it gets exciting.
    • Mainhand: Basel's Basher – a solid choice, especially if you're a human.
    • Offhand: Head Splitter for that extra edge. Cruel Barb or Stinging Viper are great alternatives.
  • Gloves: Void Touch Leather Gloves for leatherworkers. Otherwise, Glimmering Mail Gauntlets are your buddies.
  • Belt: Coban's Grasp from Wailing Caverns. Can't get it? Emblazoned Belt is a great alternative.
  • Legs: Glimmering Mail Legguards. Chausses of Westfall is a good second choice.
  • Boots: Feet of the Lynx are pricey but worth it. Can't find 'em? Go for Slayer's Slippers.
  • Rings: Protector's Band for some well-earned rep rewards and Silver Lane's Family Seal for strength.
  • Trinkets: Trinkets are a bit tricky at this level, but Arena Grandmasters can give you a nice survivability edge.


Two-Handed Warriors

If you're swinging a big ol' two-hander:

  • Change up those runes to Frenzy Assault and Endless Rage.
  • For the weapon, Gizmotron Mega Chopper is your dream. It's pricey, but the damage is worth every gold piece.


Tanking Warriors

If tanking's your game:

  • Mainhand: Prison Shank for fast, reliable threat.
  • Shield: Crest of Darkshire for that sturdy defense.


OK, the above is the list we have compiled. While gear is important in Season of Discovery, don’t neglect areas like skills and strategy

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