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WoW Classic SOD Ashenvale Event Guide: Everything You Need To Know

Hey there, brave warriors of Azeroth! Ready to conquer the Season of Discovery's Ashenvale event? It's a whirlwind of fun and strategy, perfect for those who love a mix of PvE and PvP action. Let's break down how you can dominate this event, whether you're Team Horde or Alliance. Grab your gear, and let's dive into this epic battle!


WoW Classic SOD Ashenvale Event Guide: Everything You Need To Know


Battle Basics

  • The event kicks off when both Horde and Alliance hit 100% in Ashenvale.
  • Rack up your faction's percentage by defeating players, mobs, creatures – basically, any foe in sight.


The Big Boss Spawns

  • Once both factions reach 100%, it's boss time at one of three bases.
  • The Horde and Alliance race to defeat three bosses at separate bases and then the general.
  • The first faction to down these bosses wins the event, and the percentage count resets.


Key Strategy

  • Strike the boss quickly! Only the first 40 hitters gain reputation points.
  • Blizzard, please tweak this – it's tough for the 41st player!


Map Dynamics

  • Horde bases: Shredder, Catapult, and Lumber Mill.
  • Alliance bases: Research, Glaive, and Runestone.
  • The main battlefields: Alliance Moonwell and Horde Bonfire.
  • Strategy tip: Grey out enemy bases to weaken their main generals.


Finding a Group


Boss Fight Basics

  • Both factions' bosses share similar attack patterns.
  • Main Tank aggro, random charges, and a painful Whirlwind phase.
  • Tip for Rogues: Use Evasion during Whirlwind to avoid damage.


Gathering Reputation

  • Killing bosses grants 100 rep, while peons give 5-15 rep each.
  • Horde players earn War Song Gulch rep, and Alliance players earn SilverWing Sentinels rep.


Smart Hearthstone Placement


Final Showdown

  • Rush to the general as soon as your faction greys out the enemy bases.
  • Reminder: Only the first 40 players to hit the general gain rep.


Boss Boundaries

  • Keep the boss within designated barriers to avoid a reset.
  • If the boss strays too far, you'll lose all progress and need to retag.


Event Reset

  • After a faction downs the main General, the percentages reset to zero.
  • All bases disappear, and the event cycle begins anew.


And that's your strategic guide to mastering the Ashenvale event in the Season of Discovery! Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the battlegrounds, these tips will up your game. Enjoyed this guide? Check out my other guides for more insights and strategies.

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