Author: Sofia

Our comprehensive guide unveils how to efficiently level up as a Rogue during the Season of Discovery by exploring its secrets. Know about the best ways to use poisons, optimal poison usage, talent builds and weapon selection to hasten your progress toward the top.

In WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery, find a very chilled and simple way to farm gold. In this guide, you will learn how to make gold without any effort by killing demons in Ashenvale and it is great for those who are preparing for Phase 2 or want to earn extra income for gearing up.

The most successful approaches to flipping items in Season of Discovery for maximum gold profit are by finding out the right ways to identify profitable openings and become an auction house guru, as our guide will show.

Prepare yourself for Phase 2 of WoW Classic Season of Discovery with our inclusive DPS tier list. This review will study new abilities, prospective changes and the top-performing classes and specs.

Find out what classes are the most broken in SoD Phase 2 at level 40. You can go from a DPS warrior to a fire warlock and then finally a wind fury tank, but you need to know which ones are dominating this game right now.

Unlock the mysteries of fishing and gold making in WoW Classic's Season of Discovery. Whether you want to up your fishing skill level, find the best spots to fish, or maximize your gold income, we got you covered with our guide.

Get the most effective Hunter guide for WoW Season of Discovery after nerfing. Know how to optimize damage per second (DPS), by using runes, talents and pet selection that will dominate the raid scene.

Learn about the best ways to earn gold in WoW Classic's Season of Discovery. This guide includes information on Large Fang farming, investment opportunities in Phase 2, and more.

For those interested in knowing how to get the Shaman’s Fire Totem in World of Warcraft: Classic’s Season of Discovery, use our detailed manual. We will provide you with a simple guide on how to finish the Call of Fire mission and become a master at fire art.

Discover what makes Season of Discovery Phase 2 so overpowered and broken with our item guide. We'll show you how to find them, what they do, and why you need to have them.

Welcome back to our in-depth analysis of classes in the Season of Discovery Phase 1. We're over a month into the season, and it's time to revisit our initial predictions, evaluating the current state of classes at level 25. let's see which classes excelled, which ones lagged behind, and my initial predictions versus the reality.

Season of Discovery Phase 2 for World of Warcraft Classic shows you the ropes when it comes to farming gold effectively. Horde players will find this guide to be helpful, especially when it comes engineering crafting, leatherworking, and mining.