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How to Farming Wow Classic SoD Gold with Heavy Stone?

In case you're looking for an easy way to farm WoW Season of Discovery gold, you've come to the right place. 



Farming Strategy Overview

It's not mining Heavy Stone that we're focusing on, instead we're farming mobs in Ashenvale, particularly those between levels 29 and 30.

This method is best suited to melee classes, with hunters being the most popular choice.

It is important to be aware of resistance if you're a caster, as I demonstrated in my Mage run.


Key Points

  • You should target mobs that drop heavy stones (27% drop rate).
  • Each stone costs 30 silver, although it varies by realm.
  • It is suitable for players of any class who are geared.
  • For extra damage, casters should consider the BFD raid buff.


Dynamic classes and groups

Farming can be done solo or in pairs.

A combination of a paladin with a healing spec and a melee working together is highly effective.

The melee tanks the mobs while the paladin deals damage as well as provides healing on occasion.


Tips for Solo and Group Play

It can be challenging and rewarding to play solo.

To maximize efficiency, balance damage and healing in groups.

It is important to be prepared for PvP encounters, especially in contested zones.


Market Dynamics and Utilization

It is important to note that heavy stones are in high demand during events, especially during the Darkmoon Faire.

They are crucial for crafting weapon stones and other items. Prices may spike during this time.


Selling Strategy

  • For optimal selling, monitor realm-specific prices.
  • Take advantage of spikes in demand caused by events.

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