Author: Maxime

For Phase 2 of the Season of Discovery, find the most effective mob farms. Discover locations for high-level loot, such as mageweave cloth, BoEs, epics, wild vine and heart of the wild. Get rich and well-equipped with our ultimate guide on where to farm mobs most efficiently to maximize your gold and gear up.

Discover the hidden tricks of gold farming in World of Warcraft Classic’s Season of Discovery by creating a code or script that does not require the player to be present at the computer; this will enable you to combine herb gathering and mob farming for maximum profit with our comprehensive guide.

Be prepared to get excited about the top 10 aspects of Classic: Season of Discovery Phase 2! Be it subjectively improved dungeons, new raids perhaps or class runes and open world pvp, find out what your classic journey has to offer.

Find out the best ways to farm gold in WoW Season of Discovery. Find out how to increase your income by farming Naga mobs, using auction house techniques and making use of the rested XP and Hearthstone batching game mechanics. Additionally, learn about rare mob drops and more.

In order to understand how a Shaman can acquire the Water Totem in WoW Classic Season of Discovery, one needs an easy-to-follow guide. With our exhaustive walkthrough, you will be able to complete the Call of Water quest with ease including locating important NPCs and getting your totem.

Get ready for Phase 2 with our pre-quest prep guide to the World of Warcraft! We’ll help you get the best, fastest XP gain by showing you the top 20 quests for both Horde and Alliance. You’re given efficient routes and tips to power level without missing a beat!

Get ready for the start of WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery Phase 2 on February 8. Get expert tips and tactics on killing, talent specs and gold farming that will help you shine in the new stage. The ultimate guide to dominate phase 2.

Master the skill of pet taming in World of Warcraft with our complete Hunter Pet Guide for the Summer Season. Learn all tips, tricks and necessary knowledge for choosing, training, and maintaining the best pal for your hunting adventures.

You can maximize your Mage’s power by following our top AoE gold farming guide for the Season of Discovery in WoW Classic. Discover ways to make as much money as possible using ideal: builds, spells and tactics that will transform Azur Lo into a gold mine.

In World of Warcraft Classic’s Season of Discovery, find the best way to mine Tin Ore. This simple and effective mining guide will help you maximize your gold earnings.

Learn how to make gold in Season of Discovery without traditional farming, using the auction house, the TSM addon for market insights and effectively flipping items for profit.

Make your journey through season of discovery in Wow Classic even more interesting with a collection of useful addons that we have prepared. With these add-ons, the process of playing the game will be made easier by reducing it to rune management and mission navigation.