WoW Classic SoD Phase 2 Pre-Quest Route Leveling Guides for Alliance and Horde
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- WoW Classic SoD
- 01/11/24
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As the excitement builds for Phase 2 of World of Warcraft Classic's Season of Discovery, preparing for questing is crucial. This guide is aimed at players who take pride in their speed and efficiency. Keep in mind that Season of Discovery is supposed to be casual friendly, so don't worry if you can't complete all these quests. Today we will go over how you can optimize your quest preparation strategy for both the Alliance and Horde.
- Selecting High XP Quests: Maximizing Your Gains
- Horde Route: A Journey Through Key Locations
- Alliance Route: Strategic Questing Path
- Preparing for High-Level Quests and Items
- Optimizing Quest Selection: 29 Key Quests to Prepare
- Strategic Quest Routing: Maximizing Efficiency
↖ Selecting High XP Quests: Maximizing Your Gains
The key to successful pre-quest preparation lies in selecting quests with the highest XP rewards. Some Elite quests offer up to 3.3k XP, with some others giving around 1.7k XP. Some quests also have valuable follow-ups, which award even more XP and wow classic sod gold. You want to choose quests that allow for an efficient route because scattered ones can reduce your XP gain per hour.
↖ Horde Route: A Journey Through Key Locations
For Horde players, start your journey in Tarren Mill and then use your hearthstone to Thunder Bluff. From there, follow a path through Stone Talon, Zoram Strand, Ashenvale, Freewind Post, Crossroads and Southern Barrens as they all offer loops of quests with one another that provide optimal XP gains.
↖ Alliance Route: Strategic Questing Path
Alliance players should begin in Southshore before moving on to IronForge, Stormwind and Darkshire - continue through Westfall and use your Hearthstone to Darnassus before proceeding to Oradine. If you have Ashenvale quests, include them into the route; don't forget (if applicable) to return here after completing all other areas' chains. Complete cloth turn-ins and War Effort Marks of Honor for extra XP.
↖ Preparing for High-Level Quests and Items
Many quests throughout Phase 2 are high-level and may require group efforts. Choose earlier-in-chain quests or alternative quests if you're not in the mood for that. Gather non-quest items in advance for future high-level quests, such as Badlands. Players can prepare by having these items on their screen.
↖ Optimizing Quest Selection: 29 Key Quests to Prepare
Your success in leveling will depend heavily on 29 particular quests which you should be prepared to hand in once Phase 2 is released. These quests have been chosen thanks to their high XP rewards and efficient completion routes. The completion and hand-in of these quests will propel you an impressive 2,000 XP into level 28.
↖ Strategic Quest Routing: Maximizing Efficiency
To help ensure a smooth fast leveling experience, here is a route to follow:
- Duskwood First: Prioritize completing those quests with a follow-up like Look to the Stars which has four parts. Make sure that you are in a situation where the next hand-in would also be in Duskwood so that things run well.
- Southshore Tactics: For alliances players, focus on Preserving Knowledge and chains ending with Stormwind hand-in. Horde players should adjust accordingly according to their faction's quests.
- Red Ridge Mountains and Wetlands: Complete chains that include Elite quests or ones with high XP rewards. Ensure that these particular high XP rewards are correctly calibrated so that you can finish them as you travel along your route.
- Stormwind City Strategy: Use follow-up quests which will send you back to Stormwind, Cloth donations for extra XP should not be forgotten.
- Incorporate Iron Forge: Seek out quests which require items such as Glowing Shadowhide Pendant, etc. sending you to Ironforge.
Conclusion: Ready for Stage 2
Using this guide, you are prepared for Phase 2 of WoW Classic's Season of Discovery. Moreover, it's nice to have an edge when it comes to the questing game either on the side of those who play alliance or horde. Nonetheless, it's worth noting that it's not about how quickly one reaches level 70 but rather how much fun they had along the way. Have fun exploring and see you in Phase Two!
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