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WoW Classic SoD Gold Farming with Silk Cloth Guides

We're going back into gold farming in WOW's Season of Discovery. This farming strategy at max level is for everyone since there are no specific professions to follow. Today, we shall be focusing on the silk cloth which has recently gone up in price because of new tailoring recipes.


WoW Classic SoD Gold Farming with Silk Cloth Guides


Silk Cloth: A Gold Mine

Before, it only cost around 2.5 silver each but now it raised to 4.5 even sometimes 6 silver each. With this increase you are able to earn more than one WoW SoD gold per stack. Don't forget that silk farms can drop level 25 greens and other useful items; hence they become more profitable.


Ideal Farming Locations

My favorite spot is near the Ogre Mound in Duskwood. This place is perfect for me because as a warlock I have good self-healing abilities as well as toughness. Depending on my class I can either use Succubus or Voidwalker for less damage taken. Also this area has many herbs as well as mining veins which gives extra value to those having Herbalism and Mining skills.



Warlock-Specific Strategies

Fire Weavers can be countered with Haunt for self-recovery purposes or Metamorph can be used to reduce damage taken instead. If you look around, there are mobs that cast spells and others that melee attack meaning you should adapt accordingly.


Chests and Random Drops

In most cases, chests litter this region containing items such as elixir of ogre's strength. These chests alone plus RNG based drops including necklaces and rings greatly supplement farm profits. Necklaces like that can reach as high as 60 gold.


Additional Farming Spots for Alliance and Horde

Alliance players have various locations they can visit in Duskwood while Thousand Needles has a number of nearby farms for the horde. Frequently, these areas make excellent silk cloth farming spots because they are less crowded.


Thousand Needles: A Horde Favorite

Here, you can farm at several places such as Gravelsnout Vermin and Grimtotem Bandits. As a result, these spaces are suitable for grinding silk cloth along with other valuable drops.


Profiting from Silk Cloth

Spider Silk Boots or True Faith Gloves depend on having silk cloth. Moreover, the increase in demand has been caused by the introduction of recipes such as Invoker's Mantle and Cord which require more bolts of silk cloth than before.


Final Thoughts

This guide is meant to help you utilize what is trending in the current market through Season of Discovery. Both Alliance and Horde have many chances to grind out silk cloth and any other expensive items they want without difficulty.

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