
Author: Ebony

FFXI Prime Shields Guide: Understanding Shield Mechanics and the Rise of Dubon
FFXI Prime Shields Guide: Understanding Shield Mechanics and the Rise of Dubon

With the release of Final Fantasy XI Stage 2 Prime weapons, there have been minimal changes to their overall impact. However, the recent patch from Square Enix revealed that players will need a Prime weapon that deals damage to progress in next month's story missions. This means that shields and instruments are not a priority for most players.

FFXI Volume Ambuscade Guide: Strategies and Critical Item Acquisition
FFXI Volume Ambuscade Guide: Strategies and Critical Item Acquisition

FFXI Ambuscade skate should typically take one to five minutes, depending on your gear and proficiency. The examples provided in this guide illustrate the varying outcomes based on gear and approach. For instance, the first example features a ninja utilizing only Sylvia as a trust and still managing to complete the run in about a minute.

Efficient Gil Farming and Job Leveling Guide in Final Fantasy XI
Efficient Gil Farming and Job Leveling Guide in Final Fantasy XI

This guide will share a legitimate and effective method to earn over 1 million Gil in Final Fantasy XI using a level 1 sword. By utilizing the wonders of the game and employing intelligent strategies, you can accumulate wealth and level up your jobs simultaneously. This guide focuses on farming basement cells, which serve multiple purposes, including job levelling and generating income.

FFXI Guide: Melee Method for Sortie Boss Strategy
FFXI Guide: Melee Method for Sortie Boss Strategy

Welcome to our FFXI Sortie guide! This guide will show you how to clear the Sortie zone fully, defeat all eight bosses, and collect valuable rewards. While many players opt for a traditional magic burst strategy with Black Mages and Scholars, we believe that a full-on melee approach can be just as practical, not to mention more fun!

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