Author: Maria

Welcome to today's article, where we will explore the top three Albion online solo builds for maximizing profits in Albion Online's Black Zone. Whether you're aiming to earn Albion online silver or fame, these builds excel in various aspects of the game.

Are you looking for a fun and effective build in Albion Online? The Great Axe, also known as the Gray Tax, is an incredibly satisfying build for both PvE and PvP content. It excels in dungeon clearing, open-world group ganking, and various PvP activities. Here's why it's so good: mobility, damage, and crowd control (CC).

In this article, we're going to talk about one of the greatest passive Silver makers in Albion Online - refining. Refining is a process where you turn raw materials into usable resources for crafting. In this article, I'm going to tell you how you can earn 3-4 million Albion Online Silver minimum in just three days by refining.

Are you tired of spending hours gathering resources in Albion Online? Well, there is a way to level up gathering without spending too much time on it. This guide will show you how to quickly level up your gathering skills and gain massive amounts of gathering fame.

The Damnation Staff is a unique weapon in Albion Online that is used primarily for its debuffing abilities in ZvZs (Zerg vs Zerg battles). This guide will walk you through the build and strategy for effectively using the Damnation Staff in these large-scale battles, as well as some tips for using it to troll streamers.

Welcome to this Albion guide on crafting the new Avalonian Cape that has recently been released in Albion Online. This cape is currently in high demand and can be sold for a high price, making it an excellent way to earn silver quickly.