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How to Make WoW Classic SoD Gold With Ragefire Chasm Strategy?

This guide focuses on a fast and convenient way to farm WOW Classic SoD gold in the Orgrimmar Ragefire Chasm, exclusively for Horde Mages in WoW Classic's Season of Discovery.



Why Horde-Only?

This method leverages the proximity to vendors outside Ragefire Chasm, making it uniquely efficient for Horde players.

While Alliance Mages can technically access the area, the lack of nearby vendor access diminishes the method's effectiveness.


Essential Runes for Optimal Farming

  • Regeneration Rune: Vital for sustaining health.
  • Living Flame Rune (Legs): Enhances damage and healing.
  • Living Bomb Rune: Delivers explosive AoE damage.


Locating Ragefire Chasm

Located in Orgrimmar, near the auction house. A purple cave entrance leads to the dungeon.



Recommended Talent Build

  • Arcane Focus (5 Points): Reduces Arcane spell resistances.
  • Arcane Concentration: Grants a chance for mana-free casting.
  • Arcane Resilience: Increases armor based on intellect.
  • Arcane Explosion (3 Points): Boosts Arcane Explosion critical strike chance.
  • Frost Warding (2 Points): Enhances armor and survivability.


Gear Recommendations

Minimum Level: 24-25.

  • Key Items: Feline Mantle, Robes of Arugal, Belt of Arugal from Shadow Fang Keep.
  • Additional Gear: Crescent Staff from Wailing Caverns quest and a reliable wand.


Farming Rotation and Strategy

  • Preparation: Apply Ice Armor, Arcane Intellect, and pop Regeneration for Temporal Beacon.
  • Pulling Mobs: Tag multiple enemies, prioritizing shamans.
  • Combat Rotation: Use Living Flame, followed by spamming Arcane Explosion. Reactivate Temporal Beacon as needed.
  • Final Touch: Down stragglers with a wand.


Efficient Route Execution

  • Initial Pull: Include snakes and boulder creatures.
  • Subsequent Pulls: Prioritize shamans to prevent healing.
  • Final Pulls: Tackle in medium-sized groups for better survivability.


Tips for Maximizing Efficiency

Utilize Frost Nova to immobilize enemies.

Keep an eye on health and mana, using Evocation as a backup.

Regularly sit down to drink for mana regeneration.


Post-Run Process

Review bag content and total gold earned.

Sell off loot to nearby vendors.

Visit Ironwood Staves and Wands for gear repairs if needed.



This guide provides Horde Mages with an effective and straightforward gold farming method in the Season of Discovery. It is important to master the rotation, manage pulls efficiently, and use your gear and talents effectively in order to achieve success in World of Warcraft Classic. Please subscribe for more helpful guides on how to gold farm in WoW Classic in the future!

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