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WoW Classic SoD Gold Farming with Fishing in Stranglethorn Vale Guides

This guide will help you figure out the best way to make gold from fishing in the Season of Discovery in World of Warcraft Classic. Thanks a lot for all those who supported our all-embracing wow sod gold guide for this season. Let us go exploring the profitable world of fishing in Stranglethorn Vale.



The Prime Location: Stranglethorn Vale

Stranglethorn Vale is a hotspot for this fishing gold farm. It provides significant rewards to risk takers despite being higher-level zone. In Phase 2, one can get Mithril Bound Trunks with valuable stuff inside, Journeyman's Backpacks and Troll Hide Bags which can be sold at higher than 50g each.





Key Items and Strategies

  • Fishing in Stranglethorn Vale: Target locations with Mithril Bound Trunks and Floating Wreckages that drop high-value items very often.
  • Required Gear: Use a fishing lure to raise your skill by 100 for five minutes since it is essential to successful fishing in this area. Optionally, Big Iron Fishing Pole gives an additional boost in skill.
  • Navigating the Zone: You will not be disturbed by mobs while fishing near Booty Bay but be cautious as you move along the coast where there are higher level ones. For instance, use strategies like staying on water's edge while casting so as not to pull aggro.


Maximizing Your Haul

Apart from bags, Oily Blackmouth and Stone Scale Eels may also be collected. However, real gold comes from Mithril Bound Trunks that might include valuable BOEs and materials. These items can either be sold at Auction House, disenchanted or even vendored for a decent amount of raw gold.


Advanced Tips for Efficient Farming

  • Choose Your Times Wisely: To access good spots without competition rates you need to fish when less crowded hours come.
  • Inventory Management: Empty your inventory to create room for expensive items you catch.
  • Market Knowledge: Understand current market values for the items you are farming. It is through this that you may get maximum profits when making sales in the Auction House.


Conclusion and Further Resources

Fishing in Stranglethorn Vale is a gold mine during the Season of Discovery for those who know how to make it work. You stand to make a lot of gold by following this guide.

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