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WoW Classic SoD Warrior Phase 2 Runes Enhancements Guides

Welcome to the World of Warcraft Warrior's Manual for Season of Discovery, Phase 2. In our analysis of potential Rune ideas for the class, we hope to provide a comprehensive and succinct view that will be of benefit to both old hands and newbies.


WoW Classic SoD Warrior Phase 2 Runes Enhancements Guides


PvE Warrior Domination

Warriors have made a name for themselves as PvE damage dealers. It is also worth noting that they can still tank and do massive damage, thanks to their debuff in the center stage. This versatility does not require players to keep moving but encourages the formulation of raid composition with less need for hula-hooping. However, it is important to note that Warriors still struggle in PvP environments and with AoE threat management.


Dealing with AoE Threat

The current challenge for Warriors is their limited AoE threat capability which is at par with Warlocks, Druids and Rogues. One such attempt was done by bolstering Thunder Clap with Furious Thunder Rune but this proved unproductive. A more interesting approach would be the introduction of a proposed yet-to-be-named Defensive Whirl rune. This change could let warriors whirlwind while on defensive stance taking less damage but generating more threat – much needed help when dealing with AoE threat management.



Making Battle Shout More Effective

Battle Shout plays an important role as a raid buff, especially benefiting already strong classes and their pets. For this imbalance we have suggested Improved Battle Shout Rune. This upgrade could expand the buff to increase ranged attack power and spell power for all friendly group and raid members within 30 yards for five minutes. This is an important enhancement because it does not only raise quality of life but also allows warriors contribute better to various groups.



Enhancing Slam

Slam is often seen as one of the least effective abilities for Warriors because it interferes negatively with swing timer. The addition of Improved Slam Rune may solve this by allowing the next Slam to be cast after a successful Bloodthirst strike without resetting the swing timer. This alteration would make Fury specialization more attractive and add complexity to Warrior's rotation.



Improving Tactical Mastery

Tactical Mastery is a key talent for Warriors in both PvP and tanking situations. On that note, sometime 25 rage may feel like too little. In response to this we suggest a Rune that may at times allow warriors to keep all their rage. Such change will preserve usefulness of Overpower talent and save wastage of talent points in arms tree.


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