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League of Legends the Best Champions for Each Lanes in Patch 13.11

In this guide, we'll discuss the most OP champions in League of Legends for the upcoming patch 13.11. Whether you're struggling with Ghostblade or Stormrazor's prevalence or dealing with frustrating champions, we've got you covered. 



League of Legends the Best Champions for Each Lanes in Patch 13.11


Top Lane

Starting with the top lane, there's one champion that stands out above the rest. You might think it could be Malphite or Garen, but the champion we're highlighting is Poppy. With the recent buffs and the Frostfire Gauntlet build, Poppy has become a force to be reckoned with. Taking runes like Grasp of the Undying and Shield Bash synergize well with her passive. Poppy excels at countering mobile champions like Jax and Camille, making her an excellent choice for the top lane. She has a high win rate in Challenger and is definitely worth considering in 13.11.



Moving on to the jungle, we have four champions to discuss. While many people associate Ghostblade with brokenness, Rengar and Kha'Zix stand out due to their innate strength. Kha'Zix's recent buffs have made his Q damage devastating, and building Eclipse provides lethality and survivability. Rengar, on the other hand, remains a notoriously difficult champion to deal with. His empowered W offers incredible survivability, making him a constant threat. Additionally, Nidalee has become incredibly strong after recent armor buffs. She excels in both early-game aggression and scaling, making her an exceptional pick.


Mid Lane

Nico takes the spotlight as the only mid-laner on this list. When paired with Rocketbelt, Nico's gap-closing potential is unmatched. Her recent buffs and increased AP ratio on her ultimate make her a burst damage threat. With the ability to disguise herself and roam the map, Nico can quickly assassinate unsuspecting enemies. Keep an eye on her in 13.11.


Bot Lane

In the bot lane, two traditional AD carries and an AP carry shine. Lucian's quick trades are even better with the upcoming changes to Navori Quickblades, making him a strong pick. Follow it up with Rapid Firecannon and Essence Reaver for a powerful three-item build. Kog'Maw remains a top-tier pick despite the nerfs to Runaan's and Kraken Slayer. His synergy with Guinsoo's Rageblade keeps him in the OP category. Finally, Karthus, the AP carry in the bot lane, benefits from the cheaper Lost Chapter and is nearly impossible to stop once he hits his power spikes.



Rakan, the only support on our list, remains versatile and unaffected by the changes in 13.11. With Echoes of Hextech and Ardent Censer receiving nerfs, Rakan's unchanged build, including Zeke's Convergence, makes him a reliable pick. With a high win rate across all ELOs, Rakan is a solid support choice.

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