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LOL Pacth 13.12 Tier List OP Champions Guide

Welcome to the 13.12 Tier List from LOLTANK. If you want to improve your League of Legends game, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll discuss the OP champions for each role in Patch 13.12 and some changes that might affect your gameplay. So, let's get into the tier list!

LOL Pacth 13.12 Tier List OP Champions Guide


Top Lane

In the top lane, we have four OP champions: Fiora, Jax, Kill Supreme, Olaf, and Poppy. These champions consistently perform well across all ELOs. Additionally, Nasus is worth noting as he is receiving buffs in 13.12. His passive and ultimate cooldown is being improved, making him a potential threat, especially in lower ELOs. Quinn is also worth mentioning due to the buffs to the Static Shift item, which synergizes well with her playstyle.


Other notable champions in the top lane include Renekton, Nar, Graves, Ivern, Nico, Rumble, and Ryze. Renekton has improved with recent buffs, while champions like Rumble and Ryze are expected to benefit from changes in this patch.


Mid Lane

In the mid-lane, the OP champions are Annie, Fizz, Nico, and Ryze. These champions remain strong and untouched in Patch 13.12. Akali, Azir, Corki, and Twisted Fate are considered low-key broken champions but will be discussed separately.


Orianna is worth mentioning as she is receiving buffs to her ultimate's AP ratio and base damage, which could improve her performance. However, landing her ultimate can still be challenging.



In the jungle, the OP champions are Kindred, Nidalee, Rengar, and Rek'Sai. These champions continue to dominate in the jungle, with no significant changes affecting their performance. Kha'Zix is moving down to A-tier due to nerfs in Patch 13.12.


Rumble is a notable champion receiving changes that could make him more viable in the jungle. Despite minor nerfs, other champions like Gragas are still strong choices for the jungle.


Bot Lane (ADC)

In the bot lane, the OP champions are Draven, Karthus, and Xayah. Draven is expected to be incredibly strong in this patch and could even have his own tier. Karthus benefits from the nerfs to enchantresses in the bot lane and is likely to perform well. Xayah remains a solid choice with her current build.


Low-key broken champions in the bot lane include Ashe, Heimerdinger, and Yasuo. Ashe benefits from upcoming buffs, while Heimerdinger and Yasuo are statistically underrated picks.


Lucian is worth mentioning due to changes in Patch 13.12, although his build might need some adjustments. Kog'Maw's damage based on HP is being reduced, impacting his viability.



In the support role, the OP champions are Blitzcrank, Pyke, Thresh, and Senna. These champions remain strong and untouched in Patch 13.12. However, champions like Amumu and Lulu receive nerfs, which could affect their performance.



That wraps up the 13.12 Tier List for League of Legends. Remember, the meta is constantly evolving, so staying updated and adapting your gameplay is essential.

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