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Genshin Impact New Abyss Effective Strategies: How to realize Lyney's full potential?

The Abyss in Genshin Impact has received a major overhaul, introducing new floors, enemies, and challenges. One of the most exciting additions is the presence of Lyney, a character who has been relatively underused until now. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the new Abyss floors, discuss the enemies you'll encounter, and provide effective strategies for conquering the challenges with Lyney in your team.


Genshin Impact New Abyss Effective Strategies: How to realize Lyney


Floor 9 Overview: Keen Moon Abyss

Floor 9 of the new Abyss, known as the Keen Moon Abyss, presents a unique challenge with its leyline disorder. It grants a 30% attack bonus when recovering HP and an additional 120 extra elemental mastery when losing HP. This Abyss is a great opportunity to utilize Lyney effectively.


Floor 9 Enemies and Strategies

  • Fontaine Enemies: While the Fontaine enemies are new and somewhat unfamiliar, they have little resistance. Expect standard resistances across the board.
  • Vaporize Team: Lyney can excel in a Vaporize team, making use of Hydro and Pyro characters for powerful elemental reactions. Characters like Shogun and Childe work well here, making it versatile for different main DPS options.
  • Hydro and Pyro Enemies: Be prepared for Hydro and Pyro enemies, requiring a balanced team to handle both types efficiently. Hydro main DPS characters are essential for vaporizing Pyro enemies and vice versa.
  • Use of Venti: Consider using Venti for crowd control, especially in situations with multiple enemies. His abilities can group enemies together for easier elimination.


Floor 10 Overview: 50% Damage Bonus

Floor 10 provides a 50% damage bonus to opponents affected by Hydro, making it crucial to have a Hydro main DPS character for maximum effectiveness.


Floor 10 Enemies and Strategies

  • Various Specters: There are various spectres on this floor with different elemental types except Hydro. You can focus on Pyro DPS for the first half and Hydro for the second half to optimize your team.
  • Ruined Graders: These enemies can be challenging, so having a Hydro character on both teams is beneficial to maximize damage due to the leyline disorder.
  • CC Options: Consider characters like Venti for crowd control, especially in situations with multiple enemies. CC can help you manage the fight more effectively.


Floor 11 Overview: Pyro and Hydro Damage Bonus

Floor 11 grants separate Pyro and Hydro damage bonuses, allowing you to use either Pyro or Hydro main DPS characters, and you're not restricted to vaporize.


Floor 11 Enemies and Strategies

  • Elemental Enemies: Prepare for Pyro and Cryo enemies on this floor. Utilize characters with appropriate elemental advantages.
  • Shielded Enemies: Some enemies come with shields, so having characters who can apply the corresponding element efficiently is important. Hydro can deal with Pyro shields, and Pyro can handle Cryo shields.
  • Stun Mechanics: The Premium Geovishap can be stunned by defeating the little pets it summons. Ensure you have a plan to interrupt its attacks and reduce its resistance during its ultimate move.


Floor 12 Overview: Copellius's Nemesis

On the final floor, you'll face Copellius's Nemesis, which includes various challenges and boss fights. This floor requires versatile teams with a focus on elemental synergy.


Floor 12 Enemies and Strategies

  • Magu Kinki: This boss can be challenging, so focus on taking down his shields quickly. Consider using a Bloom team to deal with him efficiently.
  • Aeromites: Expect to face Aeromites that can be troublesome. Pyro characters can help manage them effectively.
  • Scorching Loremaster: Stun this boss by defeating the little pets she summons. Pyro characters work well, and you can utilize Lenny's abilities for optimal results.
  • Iceland Suite: In this part of the floor, Hydro characters are crucial. Use them to break shields and manage the enemies effectively.
  • Emperor of Fire and Iron: This boss has Pyro horns that need to be removed for damage. Hydro is your best bet here. Utilize Lenny to stun the boss and make it easier to defeat.



The new Abyss challenges in Genshin Impact offer diverse enemies and elemental challenges that require adaptable teams and strategies. With the addition of Lyney, you have a unique opportunity to explore different team compositions and elemental synergies. By understanding the enemy types and their resistances, you can create effective teams and conquer the Abyss floors with confidence. Adapt your team compositions, use crowd control when needed, and you'll be well on your way to mastering the new Abyss. Good luck, Traveler!

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