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League of Legends Best ADC Champions in Patch 13.9

Let's dive into the League of Legends Patch 13.9 ADCs with a focus on some of the most powerful ones: Zary, Kog'Maw, and Tristana. These champs have a higher learning curve, but they are very powerful when played correctly. We'll take a look at their optimal builds, runes, and play styles.

Zyra - requires mechanical proficiency

League of Legends Best ADC Champions in Patch 13.9

Zyra is a unique ADC that requires mechanical proficiency to see results. She lacks any utility that helps her team out, so you need to be spacing well, kiting properly, and unloading DPS to be successful on the pick. Zyra's Q is a unique ability that makes her play a little differently than most ADCs, which definitely has an adjustment period. However, the consistent DPS power of Zary is unrivaled, especially when paired with Yumi.


The optimal build for Zyra consists of a Shield Bow rush into Hurricane second and Ivory Quickblade's third.

Lethal Tempo is the keystone rune with Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand. For secondaries, take Conditioning and Overgrowth.

Zyra received some really nice buffs last patch, making her one of the best ADCs to one-trick.


Kog'Maw - Best one-trick ADCs

Moving on to Kog'Maw, he is another one of the best one-trick ADCs due to his low ban rate of only one percent. Kog'Maw players can make the champion look absolutely broken with the DPS power he has in extended fights. It all comes down to optimal positioning and knowing when to move into fights that differentiate the average and mastered Kog players.


The optimal build for Kog'Maw is a Blade of the Ruined King rush into Rageblade second and Wit's End or Hurricane third. Run Lethal Tempo for the keystone rune, with Triumph, Bloodline, and Last Stand. Conditioning and Overgrowth are the best secondaries.

It's definitely much easier to succeed in a lower mobility ADC like Kog in season 13, though, with Ghost becoming a meta summoner spell on the champ.

Kog'Maw is generally best used on a hard-engaged meta-champ like Hecarim or Malphite.


Tristana - well to all sorts of circumstances

Tristana is a great one-trick ADC who can adapt very well to all sorts of circumstances. She does a great job of being able to change her play style based on the champion she's facing. Tristana is banned at the same rate as Kog'Maw at only one percent of games.


The optimal build for Tristana is a Galeforce rush into Infinity Edge second and Phantom Dancer third.

Run Press the Attack for the keystone rune, with Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and Last Stand.

For secondaries, take Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery.


In conclusion, these three ADCs, Zary, Kog'Maw, and Tristana, have a higher learning curve but are very powerful when played correctly. Make sure to experiment with their optimal builds, runes, and play styles to find what works best for you. With practice and patience, you can become a master of these champs and climb the ranks in no time. 

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