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League of Legends Best Jungle Champions in Patch 13.9

If you're looking to climb the ranks as a jungle main in League of Legends, one effective strategy is to focus on mastering a single champion. By doing so, you'll be able to take advantage of that champion's strengths and adapt to their weaknesses, leading to more consistent and successful games. In patch 13.9, there are a few jungle champions that are particularly strong and have low ban rates, making them great options for one-tricking.

Belveth: Skirmish Master

League of Legends Best Jungle Champions in Patch 13.9

Belveth is a relatively new addition to League of Legends but has quickly become a popular jungle pick. With her shifty mobility and built-in damage reduction from her E ability, she excels at skirmishing and can outplay opponents with ease. Her Kraken Slayer rushes into Blade of the Ruined King build path makes her a formidable damage dealer while also providing some Tankiness. For runes, Conqueror is the keystone of choice, with Triumph, Alacrity, and Coup de Grace as secondary runes. Bone Plating and Overgrowth are the optimal secondary runes, giving her some extra durability in fights. Belveth is banned in around 6% of games, so she's not a guaranteed pick, but if you can get your hands on her, she's a great one-trick option.


Amumu: Easy-to-Learn Skirmisher

Amumu is a classic League of Legends champion that has been around for a long time. He's known for his ability to initiate fights and lock down opponents with his Q ability. In patch 13.9, Amumu received a buff to his W ability, making his early skirmish power even stronger. He's not the most mechanically challenging champion, but he's very effective in the right hands. For runes, Conqueror is once again the keystone of choice, with Triumph, Tenacity, and Last Stand as secondary runes. Cheap Shot and Ultimate Hunter are the best secondary runes for Amumu, giving him some extra damage and cooldown reduction. Amumu has a low ban rate of around 2%, so he's a solid one-trick option to climb with.


Ekko: Objective Stealer

Ekko is a highly versatile champion that can be played in several different roles, including jungle. He's known for his ability to burst down opponents and steal objectives with his passive. In patch 13.9, Ekko received a buff to Lich Bane, making him even more deadly in fights. Mastering Ekko takes some time, as you need to learn how to use his W ability effectively and time your ultimate in hectic fights. For runes, First Strike is the keystone of choice, with Futures Market and Cosmic Insight as secondary runes. Nashor's Tooth rush works well on Ekko, with Lich Bane as a second item. Kha'Zix is a popular ban against Ekko, so be aware of that when choosing him as your one-trick option.


In conclusion, one-tricking a jungle champion is an effective way to climb the ranks in League of Legends. Belveth, Amumu, and Ekko are all strong options in patch 13.9, with low ban rates and versatile playstyles. Mastering any one of these champions takes time and practice, but the payoff can be well worth it in terms of climbing the ranks and winning more games. So pick your favorite and start climbing!

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