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League of Legends Patch 13.11 Update: Solo Queue Champions Tier List

In the ever-changing landscape of League of Legends, it's crucial to stay Patch 13.11 updated with the latest changes and understand the impact they have on the game's meta. In this comprehensive update, we'll discuss the current state of the solo queue tier list, focusing on the most notable changes and the champions that have risen to prominence. Our analysis is based on input from our Challenger players and the most recent data. So, let's dive in and explore the evolving meta of League of Legends!



League of Legends Patch 13.11 Update: Solo Queue Champions Tier List


Top Lane Tier List

The top lane role has seen minimal impact from the changes in Patch 13.11. However, we have made a small adjustment by moving Jax up into the OP tier. With recent buffs to Trinity Force, Jax has become an incredibly powerful carry. Renekton, after receiving significant buffs, has settled into a solid A-tier pick. Akali, despite the buffs, hasn't experienced a significant shift in power level. Our top three low ELO champions for top lane include Malphite, Mundo, and Garen, with Fiora and Jax being highly contested bans.


Jungle Tier List

Ivern has emerged as a potentially broken jungler in Patch 13.11. The recent mini-rework and buffs have restored a significant amount of strength to his kit. When built optimally, Ivern becomes even more formidable, especially when paired with hyper carries like Xayah and a Yuumi support. Daisy, Ivern's ultimate, has also received buffs, granting her increased damage and range, making Ivern even more powerful. As a result, we have moved Ivern up to the S-tier on the tier list. Rek'Sai and Kindred have also seen improvements and are now placed in the jungle S-tier.


Mid Lane Tier List

Azir, following his buffs in Patch 13.11, has moved up to the A-tier. With the new off-tank build utilizing Crown and Frozen Heart, Azir has become more accessible to average players. Yasuo and Yone, after struggling with the item changes, have found their optimal builds and regained their spots in the A-tier. Galeforce remains the best Mythic item for both champions. Corki, with the buffed Trinity Force as his Mythic, is a sleeper pick to keep an eye on. Malzahar, Aurelion Sol, and Annie are the top three low ELO mid lane champions.


ADC Tier List

Zyra has joined the OP tier in the ADC role. With her bruiser build and the stormraiser nerfs affecting other ADCs, Zyra has become even more lethal, especially when paired with enchanters like Yuumi and Lulu. Ezreal, benefiting from the buffed Trinity Force, remains a top-tier pick, though he falls just short of the OP tier. Jhin, Caitlyn, and Aphelios have seen the most significant power decrease due to the stormraiser nerfs. Miss Fortune, surprisingly, hasn't been affected as much and is back in the S-tier. Lucian, despite the nerfs to Galeforce and Stormraiser, maintains his S-tier status due to his build versatility.


Support Tier List

Yuumi and Rell have found their place in the OP tier. Rell, after receiving hotfix buffs, has become a solid pick. The buffs to Yuumi's Moonstone have also increased her win rate. Emilia, Blitzcrank, and Janna round out the OP tier. 

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