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Making RuneScape Gold By Killing Frost Dragons

Killing frost dragons in RuneScape is a great way to make money and train your combat stats. With the right setup and preparation, you can make up to 9 million RS Gold per hour. In order to kill frost dragons, you need at least level 100 Herblore and level 5 Engineering. This will allow you to gain access to the dungeon, kill frost dragons, and use the Bone Crusher to automatically pick up the bones they drop.



Making RuneScape Gold By Killing Frost Dragons



You will need a Herblore level of 100 in order to make Super Antifire potions and a minimum of level 85 in all combat stats. A Prayer level of 95 is recommended in order to use the Penance prayer.



You will need a two-handed weapon, such as a Halberd or a Spear, a ranged weapon such as a bow, and a shield. You will also need overload potions, weapon poison, and super antifire potions. It is also recommended to bring a Bonecrusher, an Excalibur, a Familiar, and Cannonballs.



Set up your cannon in the middle of the Frost Dragons' room, and set up your ranged weapon and shield in the North or South of the room. If you have the Dungeoneering Cape, you can teleport straight to the Frost Dragons.



Activate your Penance prayer and your overload potions, and start attacking the Frost Dragons. Make sure to keep an eye on your overload and use your Super Antifire potions when necessary. Use your ranged weapon to attack from a safe distance, and use your Bonecrusher to collect the Frost Dragon Bones as they drop.



Frost Dragons drop Frost Dragon Bones, which are currently worth 29,900 GP each. They also have a small chance of dropping Rune items and Sharks, which can be used for food. 



Killing Frost Dragons on a higher spawn world will result in faster spawn times. Additionally, using ricochet or greater ricochet will increase your damage output.



In conclusion, killing frost dragons is a great way to make money and train your combat stats. With the right setup and preparation, you can make up to 9 million coins per hour.

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