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League of Legends Best Mid Laner Champions in Patch 13.9

In League of Legends, the Mid Laner plays a critical role in a drafted team. This champion is typically assigned to the mid lane, where they have access to both the top and bottom lanes of the map. The Mid Laner needs to have high burst damage, as they are responsible for taking down enemy champions quickly and efficiently. They also need to have good mobility, as they may need to roam to other lanes to help their team secure objectives or pick up kills. Mid-lane is a critical role in League of Legends, and having a reliable champion pool can make or break your team's success. In this article, we've highlighted our top three mid-lane champions.

Pantheon -  reliable one-trick choice

League of Legends Best Mid Laner Champions in Patch 13.9

Pantheon's ability to dismantle melee champions makes him a reliable one-trick choice, especially for lower ranks where Yasuo, Yone, and Katarina are prevalent.

Although he is mechanically straightforward, understanding how to use his R optimally in different scenarios is key to taking him to the next level.

Pantheon's standard build consists of Eclipse, Black Cleaver, and Spear of Shojin, with Press the Attack as the keystone rune.


Fizz - highly effective assassin

Fizz is a highly effective assassin who has been on the rise in recent patches.

His success depends on playing off windows of opportunity and knowing when to strike.

Although the first couple of levels are difficult, if you can make it to level 3 without taking too much damage, everything is up from there.

Pantheon and Vladimir are two of the best bans for Fizz as they have ways to negate his all-in power.

Fizz's build revolves around Luden's rush into Lich Bane, followed by Zhonya's or Rabadon's, with Electrocute as the keystone rune.


Ahri - ban rate of just six percent

Ahri is a champion you cannot go wrong with right now, with a ban rate of just six percent.

Ahri is an accessible mid-lane champion who becomes more lethal the more time you put into her.

Her charm flash plays using R to redirect the second part of Q and hitting charm consistently can drastically improve your carry power on Ahri.

Most matchups are either winning or skill matchups for Ari, with Yasuo and Fizz being two difficult matchups worth banning.

Ahri's standard build is Everfrost rush into Shadow Flame, followed by Zhonya's or Rabadon's, with Electrocute as the keystone rune.


In conclusion, having a reliable champion pool is crucial to success in the mid-lane. Pantheon, Fizz, and Ari are all excellent choices with varying levels of difficulty, making them accessible to players of all skill levels. By mastering these champions and understanding their strengths and weaknesses, you can carry your team to victory and climb the ranks in League of Legends.

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