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When to Sell, Salvage, and Disenchant Diablo 4 Items Guides

In Diablo 4, there are various activities you can engage in, such as selling items, salvaging gear, and disenchanting aspects. Knowing which approach to take when leveling up can significantly impact your gameplay experience. In this guide, we will provide a comprehensive explanation of when and how to sell, salvage, and disenchant items in Diablo 4.

When to Sell, Salvage, and Disenchant Diablo 4 Items Guides


Selling and Salvaging Basics

To start, let's cover the basic rule: if you have a blue or white item, it's best to sell it. On the other hand, if you possess a rare (yellow) or higher-tier item, it is recommended to salvage it at the Blacksmith.


The reason for this distinction is that selling blue and white items allows you to obtain Diablo IV gold, which can be useful for acquiring gear and other items. Rare items, however, should be salvaged as they provide materials that can be used for crafting and other purposes.


Maximizing Returns

When salvaging, prioritize rare items to maximize your returns. By salvaging rare items, you have a guaranteed chance of obtaining rare materials, along with other types such as white and magic materials. This approach helps you accumulate more valuable resources.


While Diablo 4 gold can be useful early on, it becomes easier to obtain as you progress through the game and reach higher difficulty levels. Therefore, if you find yourself in need of gold, you can adjust the formula and prioritize selling rare items instead.


The Role of Legendaries

When it comes to legendaries, you have two options: salvaging or disenchanting. In most cases, it is recommended to salvage legendaries. Salvaging legendaries grants you materials, including rare materials, that can be beneficial for crafting and upgrading your gear.


However, if you come across a legendary item with a specific aspect you need for your build, you might consider disenchanting it. Disenchanting allows you to extract the aspect from the legendary and imprint it onto another item. This can be particularly useful if the aspect significantly enhances your character's abilities.


Understanding Aspects and Disenchanting

Aspects play a crucial role in Diablo 4 and can provide substantial bonuses to your character's abilities. To extract an aspect from an item, visit the occultist (unlocked around level 10) and interact with the extraction feature.


You can extract aspects from rare and legendary items. When extracting, pay attention to the item's buffed values due to the item type it was originally on. This will help you determine whether the extracted aspect's value might be affected.


To imprint aspects onto items, use the Codex of Power or the extracted aspects in your inventory. Imprinting aspects onto items allows you to enhance your gear and tailor it to your preferred playstyle.


General Recommendations

During the leveling process, it is generally advisable to hold onto aspects that benefit your build. Focus on finding aspects that align with your character's abilities and retain them as long as possible. Remember that your weapon's effectiveness is crucial for efficient leveling, so prioritize acquiring upgrades in that regard.



In Diablo 4, understanding when to sell, salvage, or disenchant items is vital for optimizing your progression. By following the guidelines outlined in this guide, you can make informed decisions about how to handle different item types. Remember to adapt your approach as you progress through the game and reach higher difficulty levels. 

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