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Diablo 4 Rerolling Guide: Tips and Strategies for Efficient Class-Specific Bonuses

In Diablo 4, customizing your gear is an essential aspect of optimizing your character's performance. Rerolling allows you to modify the affixes on your items, helping you get the desired stats for your build. In this guide, we will explore some valuable tips and strategies for efficient rerolling, as well as a helpful tip to aid you in making informed decisions.

Diablo 4 Rerolling Guide: Tips and Strategies for Efficient Class-Specific Bonuses


Understanding Class-Specific Bonuses

Different classes have varied rates of obtaining certain affixes. By creating multiple characters and rerolling on the right class, you can increase your chances of obtaining specific stats. For example, if you seek poison damage on a weapon, rerolling on a Druid will give you a higher chance of success compared to other classes.


Best Reroll by Class

To assist with rerolling decisions, our guide provides an tipthat calculates the estimated Diablo 4 gold cost for multiple rerolls. It takes into account the incremental cost of subsequent rerolls, helping you prepare your budget accordingly. However, keep in mind that new updates and changes to the game might impact the exact gold costs, so use this tool as a rough estimate.


Static Item Slots

Due to class-specific affixes, the baseline affixes always have a igher chance on the class listed below for each specific item slot.

Item Slot Best Odds Class
Helm Druid
Gloves Barbarian
Pants Barbarian
Boots Barbarian
Offhand Druid


Dynamic Item Slots

Each item below has better odds for baseline/bonus affixes on specific classes

Item Slot Desired Affix Best Odds Class
Chest Fortify Gen Necromancer
Amulet DR (Fortified) Barbarian
Ring Damage to Poisoned Druid
Weapon DMG to Poisoned Druid


The Power of Preparation

To save gold during rerolls, purchase items with the specific stats you need. For example, buy rings without critical chance and reroll them to acquire the desired stats more efficiently. Additionally, be mindful of the increased gold cost bug if you have the vendor's increased gold found. Unpacking items will help you save gold, but do it wisely when grouping several items together for rerolls.


Class Variations and Flexibility

Different classes have varying chances to obtain certain affixes on items. Combining the rates and the estimated gold costs from the Excel tool, you can make informed decisions about rerolling for maximum efficiency. Keep in mind that class-specific bonuses might change with future updates, so stay updated to ensure your rerolling strategies are still effective.



Rerolling gear in Diablo 4 is a key element in customizing your character and optimizing their performance. Understanding class-specific bonuses, using the Excel tool to estimate gold costs, and being prepared with the right items will help you make the most out of your rerolling efforts. Whether you're chasing that perfect stat or trying out different builds, these tips and strategies will make your Diablo 4 journey more enjoyable and rewarding.

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