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Diablo 4 S2 Endgame Uber Farming T100 Dungeons Rogue Build

As players reach the pinnacle of Diablo 4, the primary focus shifts to farming Ubers, optimizing builds, and acquiring rare and unique items. This guide aims to provide an in-depth look at strategies and tips for mastering the endgame, ensuring you are well-equipped to face the challenges that lie ahead.


Diablo 4 S2 Endgame Uber Farming T100 Dungeons Rogue Build


Reaching Level 100 and Beyond

Upon reaching level 100, players find themselves in the midst of the intense endgame, facing tier 100 dungeons and seeking out rare uniques. It is crucial to refine and replicate your season 1 build, incorporating vampiric powers for enhanced performance in season 2.


Farming Ubers and Acquiring Rare Uniques

Uber farming becomes a central part of the endgame strategy, with the aim of acquiring rare and unique items. Engaging in Durial runs and other endgame activities, players have the opportunity to obtain new and interesting uniques. It is advised to team up with three other players, sharing keys to maximize efficiency and rewards.


Build Optimization for the Endgame

As you acquire new items and progress further, it becomes necessary to update and optimize your build. This may involve dropping certain stats, focusing on others, and even switching up skills. It is crucial to adapt your build to include the newly acquired uniques, ensuring you are prepared for the challenges that lie ahead.


Gear and Stats

  • Helm: Opt for the Sho for its exceptional stats, compensating for the loss in total armor with additional armor on your amulet.
  • Chest Piece, Gloves, Pants: Aim for optimal stats, including extra armor and specific attributes to enhance your build.
  • Crossbow: Focus on upgrading to the right stats, considering a switch if necessary.
  • Amulet and Rings: Maintain corruption and balance between damage reduction and damage output.
  • New and Unique Items: Incorporate Uber uniques such as Doombringer into your setup, adjusting stats and skills accordingly.


Skills and Paragon Points

  • Skills: Adapt your skills to the new build, dropping certain points and reallocating them to maximize efficiency and damage output.
  • Paragon Points: Follow a strategic order in leveling up your glyphs, focusing on the main rare nodes first and adjusting based on your stats and gear.


Build Planner:



Mastering the endgame in Diablo 4 requires a strategic approach, careful optimization of your build, and efficient farming of Ubers, rare uniques and Diablo 4 Gold. By following this guide, players can enhance their gameplay experience, ensuring they are well-prepared to face the challenges of the endgame and optimize their build for peak performance.

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