WOW Reputation Mounts Guide: How to Quickest to Earn Reputation in 2023?
- Marisa
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- World of Warcraft
- 11/04/23
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In World of Warcraft, one of the most rewarding achievements for players is collecting mounts. There are numerous factions in the game that offer unique mounts as a reward for reaching certain reputation levels. In this guide, we'll explore several faction mounts and the most efficient ways to obtain them. We'll cover factions such as the Golden Lotus, Shado-Pan, Order of the Cloud Serpent, Steamwheedle Preservation Society, Saberstalkers, Cenarion Expedition, Sha'tari Skyguard, Ramkahen, Sons of Hod, and more.
- Crane
- Disc of the Red Flying Cloud
- Cloud Serpent
- Domesticated Razorback
- Bristling Hellboar
- Cenarion Hippogryph
- Nether Ray
- Talbuks
- Red Drake
- Riding Camel
- Ice Mammoth
- Additional Tip
↖ Crane
- Reputation: Golden Lotus
- Time Estimate: Approximately 1 hour
The first faction we will discuss is the Golden Lotus. Gaining exalted status with them will award you with various crane mounts. The reputation gains with the Golden Lotus occur in the Vale of Eternal Blossom in Pandaria. Instead of doing daily quests, we'll use a more efficient method.
Method 1: Killing Stone Dogs
Head to the north side of the Vale near the Gate of the Setting Sun. Here, you'll find Stone Dogs that spawn consistently. Killing these Stone Dogs yields reputation. A class with instant damage spells like a druid with Moonfire is excellent for this grind. In just two minutes, you can gain over 900 reputation. With this method, you can reach exalted status in about an hour.
Method 2: Killing Mogu and Opening Chests
Another way to gain reputation is by killing the Mogu on the left side of the Vale and inside the vaults. They drop Keys, and you can use these Keys to open chests at the end of the vaults, which may contain reputation tokens of 250 or 500. This method can be slower and is somewhat RNG-dependent.
Bonus: Zandalari Warbringers and Scouts
In the five zones in Pandaria, Zandalari Warbringers and Scouts can spawn and drop tokens that grant 1000 reputation. These tokens are account-bound, so you can send them to another character that needs the reputation. Be cautious, as these tokens can also reward reputation for other factions in Pandaria.
↖ Disc of the Red Flying Cloud
- Reputation: Lorewalkers
- Time Estimate: Approximately 1 hour
To reach exalted with the Lorewalkers and earn the Disc of the Red Flying Cloud mount, follow this method:
- Use the add-ons TomTom and Paste to locate and collect lore scrolls scattered across various zones. These scrolls will grant you achievements and items to turn in for reputation.
- Collect the lore items and turn them in to Lorewalker Cho above Mogu'shan Palace. He will have a quest for each item you collect. Completing these quests will grant you reputation.
- Purchase the "Grand Commendation of the Lorewalkers" from the quartermaster at Revered status. This item will double your reputation gains from Revered to Exalted.
- Once you reach Exalted, visit the quartermaster to purchase the Disc of the Red Flying Cloud mount.
↖ Cloud Serpent
- Reputation: Order of the Cloud Serpent
- Time Required: Approximately 3-4 hours
Gaining exalted status with the Order of the Cloud Serpent allows you to obtain three different cloud serpent mounts: green, blue, and yellow. The grind for this reputation will take about 3 to 4 hours, with some RNG elements that may speed up or slow down your progress.
- Start by picking up a quest at the Arboretum in Jade Forest, which will lead you to Windward Isle. Complete the introductory quests and choose a cloud serpent egg.
- Daily quests on Windward Isle will help you earn reputation and hatch your cloud serpent. Complete these daily quests to make progress.
- Search for Onyx Eggs scattered around the island. These eggs grant 500 reputation each when turned in to Elder Anli.
- While searching for eggs, consider hunting Cloud Serpent enemies on the Timeless Isle. They have a chance to drop Quivering Firestorm Eggs worth 1,000 reputation.
- Purchase the "Grand Commendation of the Order of the Cloud Serpent" at Revered status from the quartermaster to double your reputation gains from Revered to Exalted.
- Once you reach Exalted, visit the quartermaster to purchase the cloud serpent mounts.
↖ Domesticated Razorback
- Reputation: Steamwheedle Preservation Society
- Time Required: Approximately 1 hour
Earning the Domesticated Razorback mount from Warlord Noktyn and the Steamwheedle Preservation Society is a relatively quick process.
- Travel to Draenor on any character that can access the zone.
- Head to the backside of Nagrand, where the unstained version of Highmaul is located. Enter the area and kill ogres, prioritizing elite ogres.
- Loot Highmaul Relics and Gorgrond Artifact Fragments as you kill the ogres. These items can be turned in for reputation with the Steamwheedle Preservation Society.
- There are named mobs in the zone, and killing them will grant you items that provide 500 reputation each when turned in.
- Loot caches that have a chance of containing reputation items.
- You'll need 5,000 gold and 5,000 Apexis Crystals to purchase the mount once you reach Exalted. You can acquire Apexis Crystals from the Tanaan Jungle dailies, which can be completed quickly on a level 70 character.
↖ Bristling Hellboar
- Reputation: Saberstalkers
- Time Required: Approximately 2 hours
Gaining reputation with the Saberstalkers and obtaining the Bristling Hellboar mount is a straightforward process that takes about 2 hours.
- Travel to Fang'rila in Tanaan Jungle.
- Kill Saberstalkers, prioritize rare Saberon mobs for 500 reputation.
- Loot Saber Fangs, which grant additional reputation.
- If you've unlocked Tanaan Jungle, complete the daily and weekly quests to accelerate your reputation gain.
- Once you reach Exalted, visit the quartermaster to purchase the mount.
↖ Cenarion Hippogryph
- Reputation: Cenarion Expedition
- Time Required: Approximately 2 hours
To reach Exalted with the Cenarion Expedition and earn the Cenarion Hippogryph mount, follow these steps:
- Head to Zangarmarsh in Outland.
- Clear the Coilfang Reservoir by running either the Underbog or the Steamvault on Heroic difficulty, focusing on killing trash mobs only.
- Killing mobs in Underbog grants about 1,650 reputation per run and takes around 4.5 minutes. The Steamvault grants 1,530 reputation in about 3 minutes and 20 seconds. Choose the one that suits you best.
- Consider killing the bosses and completing both dungeons to receive additional reputation. Each boss killed yields 1,000 reputation.
- Purchase the "Cenarion War Hippogryph" mount from the quartermaster at Exalted status.
↖ Nether Ray
- Reputation: Sha'tari Skyguard
- Time Estimate: 4-5 hours
To start your journey towards obtaining the Nether Ray mounts, you'll need to gain reputation with the Sha'tari Skyguard. This reputation grind is relatively straightforward and will take around 4-5 hours. Here's how to get started:
- Head to Terokkar Forest, specifically to the location indicated in the quest "World of Shadows."
- Accept the quest "World of Shadows" from an NPC in the area.
- Follow the quest chain, which will introduce you to the reputation grind mechanics.
- During the quest chain, you'll need to collect items from killing mobs, turn them in for a potion, and use the potion to reveal additional mobs that drop scrolls.
- Collect the scrolls and turn them in for items that allow you to summon mini-bosses.
- Kill four different mini-bosses to summon Terok, who provides a significant reputation boost.
- Repeat the process until you reach Exalted and can purchase the five Nether Ray mounts.
Note: Be sure to pick up a quest item from a named arakkoa called Isla during the quest chain, as it is essential for progressing through the quest chain.
↖ Talbuks
- Reputation: The Mag'har (Horde) or Kurenai (Alliance)
- Time Estimate: 5-6 hours
Obtaining the 8 Talbuk mounts from The Mag'har (Horde) or Kurenai (Alliance) will take a bit longer, approximately 5-6 hours. Here's how to get started:
- If you're Horde, visit the Horde base north of Nagrand, and if you're Alliance, visit the base south of Nagrand.
- Pick up the quest "The Impotent Leader" (Horde) or "Do My Eyes Deceive Me" (Alliance).
- These quests require you to avoid killing specific mobs by using a Soft Foam Sword toy to weaken them.
- Complete the quests to unlock the respective faction and make them neutral.
- Once the faction is unlocked, you'll primarily earn reputation by killing ogres and collecting Obsidian War Beads, which can be turned in for reputation.
- Focus on areas like Laughing Skull Ruins and Warmaul Hill to farm ogres, or find unpopulated areas with ogres for efficient reputation gain.
- Keep farming ogres, collecting War Beads, and turning them in until you reach Exalted and can purchase the eight Talbuk mounts.
↖ Red Drake
- Reputation: The Wyrmrest Accord
- Time Estimate: 2-4 hours
Earning the Reins of the Red Drake from The Wyrmrest Accord will take around 2-4 hours. Here's how to achieve this mount:
- To start, obtain the Tabard of the Wyrmrest Accord, which requires being Friendly with the faction.
- Begin by heading to Amber Ledge in Borean Tundra and completing quests to gain reputation with the faction. Make sure to get to Friendly.
- Once Friendly, visit the quartermaster at the Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight to pick up the Tabard.
- Equip the Tabard and run most dungeons on Heroic difficulty. Completing each dungeon will yield around 2,000-3,000 reputation.
- Avoid doing Pit of Saron on Heroic; instead, clear the trash for reputation.
- Keep running the dungeons until you reach Exalted and purchase the Reins of the Red Drake from the same Quartermaster.
Note: During Wrath of the Lich King time walking events, you can wear the Tabard and gain reputation by running those dungeons, effectively doubling your reputation gain.
↖ Riding Camel
- Reputation: Ramkahen
- Time Estimate: Just over 1 hour
Earning the Tan Riding Camel and Brown Riding Camel mounts from Ramkahen is relatively easy and takes just over an hour. Here's how to do it:
- Head to Tanaris and initiate the introductory quest chain "Easy Money" on the left side of Tanaris.
- Follow the quest chain through various tasks until you reach the main Ramkahen base.
- Complete quests until you reach Friendly reputation.
- Return to the Ramkahen base to purchase a tabard.
- Equip the tabard and head to the Grim Batol dungeon in Twilight Highlands on Heroic difficulty.
- Clear the trash in the dungeon while avoiding the bosses.
- Run the dungeon repeatedly until you reach Exalted with Ramkahen.
- Return to Ramkahen, speak to the vendor, and purchase the Tan Riding Camel and Brown Riding Camel mounts.
↖ Ice Mammoth
- Reputation: Sons of Hodir
- Time Estimate: Approximately 2 hours
The Reins of the Ice Mammoth and Grand Ice Mammoth mounts from the Sons of Hodir can be obtained in around 2 hours. Here's how:
- Start in Storm Peaks and accept the quest "They Took Our Men" at K3.
- Follow the quest chain, completing objectives, until you reach the Sons of Hodir village.
- Continue to do quests to raise your reputation with the Sons of Hodir, aiming for Friendly.
- Once Friendly, visit the quartermaster in the Sons of Hodir village to purchase a tabard.
- Equip the tabard and run most dungeons on Heroic difficulty for reputation.
- To maximize efficiency, avoid Pit of Saron and only clear trash for reputation.
- Alternatively, during Wrath of the Lich King time walking, you can double dip by running time-walking dungeons with the tabard.
- Continue dungeon runs until you reach Exalted, then return to the quartermaster to buy the mounts.
↖ Additional Tip
Take advantage of time-walking events and the Dreamweaver reputation boost for efficient reputation gains. Run dungeons during time-walking events to earn Time Warp badges and use them to purchase reputation items. When the Dreamweaver reputation bonus is active, use these items for a significant reputation boost.
The above guide content covered factions like the Golden Lotus, Lorewalkers, Order of the Cloud Serpent, Steamwheedle Preservation Society, Saberstalkers, Cenarion Expedition, Sha'tari Skyguard, Ramkahen, The Mag'har or Kurenai, The Wyrmrest Accord, and Sons of Hodir. Each faction presents its unique challenges and methods for reaching exalted status and obtaining the coveted mounts.
In summary, while the journey to collect mounts through faction reputation may require some dedication, following these efficient methods can help you reach your goal more quickly, ensuring that you can proudly display your hard-earned mounts in the World of Warcraft.
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