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New World Season 4 Artifacts Guide: Changes, Upgrades and Farming

Hey, New World fans! With Season 4 shaking things up, the latest patch has spiced things up with some cool changes to artifacts and introduced brand new ones. So, if you're scratching your head wondering about the best upgrades and where to snag these treasures, let's dive right in!



New World Season 4 Artifacts Guide: Changes, Upgrades and Farming



New World S4 Boltcaster Artifact

  • What's New: Boltcaster got a makeover with its passive 'Bolt Bolt', upping your damage every third shot. It's a mix of power-up and nerf, but overall, it's a damage fiesta waiting to happen.
  • Best Upgrades: Still a bit of a mystery, but keen perks are your go-to. Keep an eye out for 'Cly Jacked' for more consistent dot uptime.
  • Farming Spot: Annoyed Auaa Wasia on Aisle of Z. It's a hot farming spot, so gear up for some competition!


Deep Freeze

New World S4 Deep Freeze Artifact

  • What's Cool Now: Deep Freeze got a pleasant surprise with a buff in damage against frozen, rooted, and shielded enemies. It's loaded with solid perks like vicious and refreshing move.
  • Upgrade Options: It's a playground of choices here. Depending on your style, go for Pylon Burst, Empowered Spike, or Attunement.
  • Where to Find: Ice Troll in the new dungeon. Pro tip: Many just farm the first boss and bail, so plan accordingly.



New World S4 Vengeance Artifact

  • The Odd One Out: Vengeance remains a peculiar mix of damage and healing. If you're into a hybrid playstyle, this is your pick.
  • Recommended Upgrades: 'Blessed' or 'Savior' could be your best bet for some healing boost. But it's all about how you want to swing it.
  • Farming Method: PvP track, so get ready to show some muscle!



New World S4 Gladiator Artifact

  • Not Much to Cheer About: Honestly, Gladiator didn't get much love. It's not the best in the shed, so maybe skip upgrading this one.
  • Where to Farm: Tribunal Ice MTH in the southeast of Elian Wilds. Though, why you'd want to is a mystery!


Koya's Knee Guards

  • A Tough Catch: These knee guards are a bit of a mixed bag. They're claimed to reduce incoming ranged attack damage, but the jury's still out on the actual effectiveness.
  • Upgrade Tips: 'Health' seems like a safe choice, but 'Sheering Heals' could also be a contender.
  • Farming Frustration: Outpost Rush caches, and it's a bit of a grind, so patience is key.


Quickdraw Gloves

New World S5 Quickdraw Gloves Artifact

  • Unique Appeal: They offer damage immunity for 0.5 seconds after weapon swap. A niche pick, but could be a gem for healers.
  • Smart Upgrade: 'Health' is usually the way to go here.
  • How to Get: Season pass, level 100. Keep climbing that ladder!


Winged Leather Shoes

New World S4 Winged Leather Shoes Artifact

  • Not the Best Bet: These shoes don't seem to offer much. They're available at level 20 of the season pass, but don't sweat it if you miss them.
  • Possible Upgrade: If you do bother, 'Health' is probably your default choice.


The Unmoved

New World S4 The Unmoved Artifact

  • Jury's Still Out: Haven't fully tested these yet. They promise immovability, but it's unclear how effective they are.
  • Probable Upgrade: 'Health', as usual, seems like a good addition.
  • Where to Get: PvP track again, so brace for some battle!



New World S4 Inferno Artifact

  • Now Hotter Than Ever: Inferno got a nice little buff, especially for INT builds. It's more suited for damage now than strength.
  • Optimal Upgrade: 'Empowering Fireball' could be your go-to for that extra punch.



New World S4 Odo Artifact

A Small Change: Now also affects knocked-down enemies. It's a niche item, but if it suits your style, why not?


So there you have it – the lowdown on New World's Season 4 artifact changes. Whether you're out farming these or deciding on upgrades, hope this guide lights the way! Don't forget to subscribe for more New World content and updates. Catch you in the next one!

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