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WoW Classic SoD Fishing Guide: Farming Gold with Iron Bound Trunks Guides in Phase 2

This guide is about preparing for the phase 2 of World of Warcraft classic sod, while focusing on the strategic use of fishing. Fishing in Iron Bound Trunks will help you gather materials and items needed to level your professions and upgrade your in-game stores.


WoW Classic SoD Fishing Guide: Farming Gold with Iron Bound Trunks Guides in Phase 2


Fishing Efficiently for Iron Bound Trunks

Our journey begins at the northern parts of Stranglethorn Vale and Alterac Mountains where there are many Iron Bound Trunks. For inventory space considerations, store up to 80 trunks and sell every other one you get. You have a better experience when each trunk is not auto-looted so that you can understand its contents better.


- Stranglethorn Vale


- Alterac Mountains


Why Iron Bound Trunks?

These are chests that contain materials essential for leveling from150-200. At least some of them contain rare recipes, patterns, green or blue items which make it easier to get to level 40 quickly. This will also serve as a good source of potions like Mana and Greater Healing Potions whose prices are high.


How to Compete in Fishing Grounds

NOA World Buff lets you change layers or zones with high competition by layer swapping. you can easily switch layers or go into less crowded areas thus increasing your fishing time.


What Loot To Expect And Auction House Strategies

From our experiment with 100 trunks, we have received different types of crafting materials, green items as well as two rare recipes. Not all green items may be immediately valuable, but it can still be worthwhile holding onto them for disenchanting during phase two. For instance, on an AH (Auction House), these bags may sell for over 10 wow sod gold coin per piece.


Improving Your Fishing Ability

Use Big Iron Fishing Pole along with Dynamic Fish Attractors so that fishing skill can be increased. It is important because it makes it possible to fish successfully in different pools and obtain the best loot.



In World of Warcraft Classic's Season of Discovery, fishing is not just a peaceful hobby, but a smart way to prepare for phase two. Following this guide will help you gather valuable items and materials more efficiently which in turn will make your life easier during the coming days.

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