Author: Sofia

In the Season of Discovery for WoW Classic, there is a unique method you can use to farm gold. It focuses on Murloc farming in Southshore rather than the usual. We teach you how to take advantage of guard mechanics and party strategies to get the most out of your gold earnings.

For maximum gold, find out the three best herbs to grow in WoW Classic's Season of Discovery Phase 2. Such as Stranglekelp, Swiftthistle and Kingsblood are all discussed; as well as their uses and why they are valuable for the phase 2.

This guide will help you maximize your Warlock's potential by giving you a step-by-step approach to getting the Lake of Fire Rune in World of Warcraft Classic's Season of Discovery. Power and friendship will be utilized to journey into supremacy against your enemies.

Looking for the best classes in PvP? We have compiled a list of the easiest classes to get your hands on. Our guide has all the information you need to know about starting with PvP, beginner-friendly classes and strategies.

Horde players can exclusively find this BoE farming location in WoW Classic's Season of Discovery. Our guide includes the Harpy cave located in Thousand Needles, where you can make lots of gold by looting rare drops and selling valuable items.

You can unlock secrets on how to turn gold in WoW Classic Season of Discovery through enchanting. This guide gives you tips, strategies and add-ons that you can employ to make the most of your gold through enchanting, especially if you are using two accounts at once.

The most lucrative WoW Classic professions for gold making in the Season of Discovery. It also highlights some alchemy, tailoring and leatherworking tips that can help you make more profits by following crafting and marketing strategies.

Did you know that one of the ways to make gold in World of Warcraft Classic’s season of Discovery is through fishing? If you are interested in knowing the richest fishing spots within Stranglethorn Vale, this guide has got you covered.

Phase 2 of the Season of Discovery in WoW Classic is coming soon, so it's time to start preparing. And with our five-step strategy, you'll be able to make sure your characters are optimized, your gold is farmed and more.

When it comes to fishing in WoW Classic's Season of Discovery, which is the most effective method for maximizing on gold? Don't worry if you are new or an expert, this guide has got you covered with all you need to know about in fishing basics and advanced gold making strategies to get you ready for Phase 2.

In WoW Classic Season of Discovery, Deviate Fish farming is one of the most effective ways to make wow sod gold. Step by step instructions, tips and tricks are given in this guide to help you maximize your gold with minimal effort.

To succeed in obtaining the most difficult warlock runes in WoW Classic's Season of Discovery, you need to have well-memorized knowledge. This guide provides information about the key places and strategies for finding the five most effective runes, which are indispensable for any ambitious warlock.