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Best Top Lane Champions in the League of Legends 13.9 patch

Welcome to our League of Legends guide for the 13.9 patch. In this patch, we have seen a few changes to some of the champions that will affect the top lane meta. In this article, we will go through the changes and give you an idea of what to expect in the coming games.


Best Top Lane Champions in the League of Legends 13.9 patch

Firstly, we have Aatrox, who will be partially reverting the nerfs he received way back in patch 13.1. The passive damage health ratio is going back up from 4 scaling to 10 to 4 scaling to 12, and the bonus movement speed is being increased from 50 scaling to 80 to 60 scaling to 100. Although these buffs are insignificant, they will not be enough to push Aatrox back into the top lane meta. He will remain in our top lane A tier for 13.9.



Next, we have Sion, who is receiving a nerf to his passive health losses from 2 scaling to 19, plus one per level to 2.3 scaling to 24.4, plus 1.3 per level. This will shorten the duration of Sion's passive by about 1 to 1.5 seconds total over the course of thousands of games. This Nerf will not impact Sion all that much, especially if you're winning lane and not dying all the time. He will still find a spot in our top lane A tier.



Moving on to Kayle, her buffs are looking absolutely incredible. The cast time on her R is being reduced from 1.5 down to 0.5 seconds, and the AOE damage delay is being increased from 1.5 to 2.5 seconds. The invulnerability duration is going from 2 scaling to 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds at all ranks. The AOE radius on ultimate is being increased from 525 flat to 675 scaling to 775. The damage on her R is being lowered from 200 scaling to 500 to 200 scaling to 400, but the added auto attacks you'll be able to get in with the reduced cast time will more than makeup for this lost damage. Her E is also receiving changes where the on-hit AP ratio is going from 25 to 20 percent, and the passive wave damage is being increased from 15 scaling to 35 to 20 scaling to 41. These changes are amazing for Kayle and will be great for the long-term health of the champion, and we'll be leaving her in the A tier for now.


Our top priority carries are Ornn, Poppy, Mordekaiser, Malphite, and Pantheon. Ornn is suddenly in the OP tier because his E and R are no longer cleansable, which is a huge buff to the champ. Riot through the changes into the bug fixes a section of the 13.8 patches to where very few people would notice. This bug fix alone has provided Ornn with a huge boost to his team fight the power, especially with Cleanse being such a consistent summoner spell on many ADCs. As a result, Ornn is joining the top lane OP tier for 13.9.


Lastly, our top three low elo picks for the top lane include Yorick, Mundo, and Nasus. They are the best value picks that can carry games and help you climb the ranks.

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