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League of Legends Guide: Patch 13.9 Jungle Changes

The jungle meta in League of Legends is constantly evolving, and patch 13.9 brings a few changes that may affect the tier list for junglers. Let's take a look at the buffs and nerfs to some of the champions and how they will impact the game.


League of Legends Guide: Patch 13.9 Jungle Changes


Volley Bear, Fiora, Darius, and Malphite are the most banned champions in the patch. Although Volley Bear receives some buffs, they're not significant enough to make him a top-tier pick for solo queue. If you're interested in playing Volley Bear, you may want to check out the full game commentaries of our challenger jungler skill shot, who is an avid Volley Bear player.


Amumu receives a nice buff in this patch, with his W base damage going up and his percent health damage increasing. This makes him a stronger skirmisher in extended fights, and he moves up from B tier to A tier in the jungle tier list.


Trundle also receives a minor buff, with increased base mana and attack speed. While these buffs make him more viable in solo queue, he's still not a top-tier pick.


Vel'Koz sees a power shift with her early game becoming stronger but her late game taking a hit. Her Q monster damage goes up to enhance her early clear speed, but her attack damage growth decreases. This makes her more powerful in high elo, but low elo players may see a small drop in her win rate. Nonetheless, she remains a strong S tier pick in the jungle tier list.


Lillia receives a minor buff that moves her up to S tier. Combined with the changes to Cosmic Drive, Lillia has become a stronger pick in solo queue.


Other recommended jungle champions in low elo include Fiddlesticks, Mordekaiser, and Nocturne. For higher elo, Evelyn, Jarvan, and Kha'Zix are the highest priority picks.


Finally, the patch introduces a mini-rework for Nico, who can now turn into any non-epic monster, minion, trap, ward, or plant with her new passive. This gives her more power in team fights, especially when she can disguise herself as a minion.


In summary, the jungle meta in patch 13.9 offers a mix of buffs and nerfs to different champions, with some moving up or down in the tier list. As always, the best junglers for you will depend on your playstyle, skill level, and team composition, so experiment and find what works best for you.

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