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Diablo 4 Patch 1.1.2 Guide: Gold and Legendary Items Farming Method

In the ever-evolving world of Diablo 4, patch 1.1.2 has emerged as a game-changer. This guide delves into the latest patch notes, discusses a new Diablo 4 gold Farming method, and provides insights into efficient legendary farming. Let's jump right in!

Diablo 4 Patch 1.1.2 Guide: Gold and Legendary Items Farming Method


Patch Notes Highlights

Patch 1.1.2 has brought significant changes to the game, particularly affecting the Nightmare Dungeon and item exploits. Previously, players could reset the Nightmare Dungeon indefinitely for rewards. However, this has been fixed with the latest patch, ensuring a more balanced gameplay experience.


Additionally, an issue with iron skin elixirs that allowed players to attain them indefinitely has also been addressed. These fixes demonstrate Blizzard's commitment to maintaining a fair and enjoyable gaming environment for all players.


Gold Farming Method

As Blizzard investigates the gold exploit, let's explore an alternative method to gather gold quickly. The Seasonal Blessing feature is key here. Start by opening your Seasonal Blessing and navigating to the Urn of Bargaining. Max it out to reap maximum rewards.


Next, head to the map and locate the "Ruins Of Qara-Yisu" on the left side. This stronghold is where your gold-gathering journey begins. Proceed to the top-left corner and open the chest to discover legendaries, rares, and, of course, gold. Mount up and move to the right to find the next chest. Continue this process, maximizing your earnings.


After each chest collection, exit the game. Don't worry about the countdown – it's all part of the strategy. From the character selection screen, re-enter the game without switching characters. You'll reappear right where you left off, ready to collect more riches.


Legendary Farming

The Ruins of Qara-Yisu is your legendary farming paradise. By repeating the process of collecting chests, you can amass both gold and legendary items. World tiers play a role in your loot quality. On world tier 2, rares will dominate, while world tier 3 will shower you with legendaries. Aim for world tier 4 to increase your chances of obtaining ancestral and sacred items.


Remember to visit vendors to sell your loot. The Seasonal Blessing's influence boosts your profits, making this method a lucrative endeavor.


Infinite XP Method

For those seeking infinite XP, look no further than the Wayward Soul event. Stand in the middle of the orange zone and venture toward the outer area when the green mist appears. Once the countdown reaches zero, enter the orange zone, triggering enemy spawns. This method guarantees a consistent flow of experience, perfect for leveling up.


Trading and Exploits

However, it's essential to stay informed about the game's rules and guidelines. Blizzard has temporarily suspended trading due to gold and item duplication exploits. Players caught engaging in these exploits may face account-related actions as per the end-user license agreement. It's crucial to uphold fair play and refrain from engaging in unintended behavior that could disrupt the game's integrity.



In conclusion, Diablo 4's patch 1.1.2 ushers in changes that enhance gameplay and integrity. The gold-Farming method outlined here offers a valuable alternative while legendary farming and XP techniques ensure continued growth. Always remember to respect the game's rules, as the community and developers work together to maintain the game's excellence.

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