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Diablo 4 Patch 1.1.4 The Latest XP Buffs and Changes

In the ever-evolving world of Diablo 4, it seems that Blizzard is on a quest to fine-tune the experience gains for players. A hotfix recently rolled out, leaving players intrigued and slightly bewildered. In this guide, we'll break down the latest changes to XP and help you understand what it means for your gameplay.


 Diablo 4 Patch 1.1.4 The Latest XP Buffs and Changes


The XP Rollercoaster

Blizzard has been on a rollercoaster ride regarding XP adjustments in Diablo 4. First, there were XP events, then XP buffs, and now we've got another round of XP adjustments. Clearly, the development team is still trying to find the right balance for the game, and that's not necessarily bad.


Hotfix After Patch 1.1.4

Just recently, Patch 1.1.4 was released, promising to increase XP gains for players. However, as many players quickly realized, the increase wasn't as substantial as hoped. This led to some disappointment in the community.


The Latest Buff

In response to player feedback and their quest to optimize the XP system, Blizzard has rolled out yet another XP buff. This time, the focus is improving experience gains for players tackling monsters in World Tier 3 and 4. But what exactly does this new buff entail?


World Tier 3: A 5% Boost

For those playing in World Tier 3, you'll now enjoy a 5% increase in experience gains when slaying monsters. While this may not sound like a significant bump, every bit counts when you're on the grind for levels and loot.


World Tier 4: A 15% Upgrade

The biggest improvement comes for those brave adventurers who dare to venture into the treacherous World Tier 4. In this world, your experience gains have been boosted by a substantial 15%. This increase might not make you a god-tier Nephalem overnight, but it's a welcome change.


Additive or Multiplicative?

Now, the question that's on every player's mind: is this boost additive or multiplicative? Will it stack with other XP bonuses, such as those from items or skills? While it's not explicitly stated, it's likely an additive increase based on how other XP bonuses work in the game. So, if you previously received 200 additional experiences in World Tier 4, this buff would bring it up to 215.


Putting It All Together

When you combine this latest buff with the improvements introduced in Patch 1.1.4, you see an overall increase of around 8 to 10 per cent in experience gains. While it may not be the massive boost some players hoped for, it contributes positively to the levelling experience.



In the ever-changing landscape of Diablo 4, it's clear that Blizzard is committed to listening to player feedback and making adjustments as needed. While the latest XP buff might not be a game-changer, it's a step in the right direction. So, as you continue your journey through Sanctuary, remember that every bit of experience counts, and these adjustments are aimed at making your adventure even more rewarding. 

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