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Diablo 4 Season 1 Classes: Tier List and Important Changes

Welcome to our early Diablo 4 Season 1 tier list, where we assess the classes and their potential for the upcoming season. In this article, we'll evaluate each class based on their builds, gameplay enjoyment, and effectiveness in the end game. While opinions may differ, we'll provide an overview of the current state of each class and their placement in our tier list.



Diablo 4 Season 1 Classes: Tier List and Important Changes


General Changes and Player Reactions

Patch 1.1 includes a range of additional adjustments and fixes. Drop rate adjustments have been made for Nightmare dungeons, including increased chances for bonus drop items and rare items upon completion. Various aspects, items, and legendary effects have also been fine-tuned to ensure balance and provide more flexibility for players. Additionally, the developers have addressed community concerns and provided insights into their design intentions, emphasizing the long-term health and enjoyment of the game.


Barbarian: B Tier

The Barbarian class presents a unique challenge when it comes to tier placement. With recent nerfs to the Hoda build due to a bug fix, it is expected to be less powerful than before. As a result, Whirlwind seems to be the primary build for Barbarians in Season 1. However, the addition of certain patch notes indicates that Charge might become a viable option. Depending on its performance, the Barbarian's ranking might change. As of now, Barbarians rely heavily on Whirlwind, making them decent but not exceptional.


- Season 1 Skill Changes

  • Skills like Violet double swing, Furious upheaval, and enhanced rupture have seen changes, such as increased damage bonuses and durations.
  • Passives, Paragon, aspects, and legendary items for Barbarians have received alterations to fine-tune their effectiveness.


Druid: A Tier

The Druid class hasn't undergone significant changes, but it remains an exciting and versatile option for Season 1. The Storm Druid build received a buff, solidifying its position in the top tier. With build options like the Shred and Where NATO builds and potential Boulder and Pulverize variations, Druids offer excellent build variety. Druids are expected to be the strongest class in Diablo 4 Season 1.


- Season 1 Skill Changes

  • Skills like Enhanced flow, storm strike, and cataclysm have been adjusted, with changes to damage, durations, and other variables.
  • Passives, Paragon, aspects, and legendary items for Druids have undergone modifications to maintain class balance and provide a better gameplay experience.


Necromancer: C Tier

Necromancers, unfortunately, received a nerf to their popular Bone Spear build. While still potent for boss encounters, the setup required for this build makes it less efficient for clearing areas compared to other classes. However, the minion build saw significant improvements, making it a viable choice for pet enthusiasts. Although the minion playstyle may not appeal to everyone, Necromancers can still perform well with Bone Spear despite the nerf, placing them in the C tier.


- Season 1 Skill Changes

  • Skills like Initiates decompose, enhanced blood surge, and enhanced blood lance have undergone changes, including increased healing and reduced damage bonuses.
  • Passives, Paragon, aspects, and legendary items for Necromancers have been adjusted to maintain balance and improve gameplay.


Rogue: S Tier

Rogues started strong with notable buffs before the patch. However, they also faced significant reductions in vulnerable damage and critical strike bonuses, impacting the effectiveness of twisting blades builds. It's unclear if Pen Shot will surpass twisting blades, but Rogue remains an incredibly enjoyable class to play, thanks to its mobility. With a wide range of viable builds, Rogues maintain a solid position in the S tier.


- Season 1 Skill Changes

  • Skills like Advanced rapid fire, traps cast speed, and smoke grenade damage bonus have been increased.
  • Various adjustments have been made to other skills, such as Cold imbue lucky hit chance and Supreme death trap cooldown reduction.
  • Passives, Paragon, aspects, and legendary items for Rogues have seen modifications to enhance their performance.


Sorcerer: B Tier

Sorcerers received buffs that increased build variety, leading us to place them in the B tier. Fire, electric, and frost builds all offer viable options for Sorcerers in Season 1. Notably, a unique item was introduced, transforming the Sorcerer's evade into a teleport. While the full potential of this change is uncertain, it could significantly enhance the class. Although some may find Sorcerers less engaging compared to other classes, their overall performance surpasses that of Necromancers, securing them a spot in the B tier.


- Season 1 Skill Changes

  • Enhanced charge bolts' damage has increased from 24 to 30, benefitting from skill ranks.
  • Destructive charged bolts and incinerate now have increased damage reduction from 20 to 25.
  • Several other skills, such as Fireball, Firewall, and Blizzard, have received various adjustments and enhancements.
  • Passives, Paragon, aspects, and legendary items for the Sorcerer class have undergone changes, with improvements to certain skills and bonuses.



In this early Diablo 4 Season 1 tier list, LOLTANK have assessed the current state of each class, considering build versatility, enjoyment, and end-game effectiveness. While the ranking is subject to personal opinion, we believe Druids will dominate the season with their various builds. Rogues offer a versatile and enjoyable experience, securing their position in the top tier. Sorcerers and Barbarians provide decent options, while Necromancers face challenges with the Bone Spear nerf but still offer viable minion builds.

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