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League of Legends Patch 13.9 High ELO Tier List for Each Lane

Are you ready to climb the ranks in League of Legends Patch 13.9? Look no further, because we've got you covered with our High ELO Tier List for this patch. This list has been put together by some of the most insightful members of the platform to give you the best picks for dominating the Rift.

Before we dive into the list, it's important to note the recent mid-lane update - Niko. With Riot Games' approach to balancing on new champions, we can expect many changes in the upcoming weeks. Therefore, we have decided to be conservative when placing Niko on the list until we see how the updates unfold.


Top lane - Gragas

League of Legends Patch 13.9 High ELO Tier List for Each Lane

Our first pick is Gragas. He is an extremely versatile and flexible champion that can fit into almost any team composition. His most popular build includes the Rod of Ages, Catalyst of the Ionian, and Gragas' Happy Hour. With his sustainability and draw power, he is a valuable pick that can help control the top lane.


Top lane - Olaf

Olaf offers aggressive laning, but it is important to sacrifice early gold for experience points in the top lane. Knowing the enemy's jungle path can also help you find opportunities to kill them. With his aggressive playstyle and strong early game, Olaf can be a force to be reckoned with in the top lane.


Jungle - Belvath

The top pick is Belvath. Her recent change to her monster modifier makes her an excellent pick for Jungle. Her greatest asset is her ultimate, which can be used to control space and make game-changing plays. With her strong ganking potential and mobility, she is an excellent addition to any team.


Mid-lane - Victor

For mid-lane, we recommend Victor. He is a decently strong mage with brutal scaling into the later stages of the game. To maximize his potential, remember to reset your auto attack with your Q, and to focus on farming to stay ahead of your opponent. With his ability to deal massive damage in team fights, Victor can be a game-changer in the mid-lane.


AP carries - Karthus and Zayo

As for AP carries, we have two strong picks: Karthus and Zayo. Karthus is the embodiment of going rogue. Despite his tendency to die often, he is capable of positively impacting the game through his powerful ultimates. Zayo, on the other hand, is back in full force. Her greatest asset is her feathers, which can be used to pull back and nuke the enemy. Both champions are great choices for players who enjoy playing aggressively and making game-changing plays.


Auxiliary - Blitzcrank and Senna

Blitzcrank is a creative pick that can make it difficult for the enemy to find openings against him. With his Hack Flash rune, he can surprise the enemy team and set up plays for his team. Senna, on the other hand, is great for bullying people out of lane. Her Eclipse Carry build allows her to demolish people with her traits and provide valuable utility for her team.


So there you have it, our High ELO Tier List for League of Legends. Whether you're looking to climb the ranks or simply trying to improve your gameplay, these picks are sure to help you dominate the Rift. So pick your champion, sharpen your skills, and let's get ready to win!

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