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Runescape Skilling off-hands Items Guides

Skilling off-hands can be a game-changer for players who are serious about maximizing their skilling efficiency in Runescape. These off-hands can provide bonuses to various skills and activities, and some of them can even offer unique perks and benefits. In this guide, we'll take a closer look at the different types of skilling off hands available in the game, how to obtain or craft them, and their respective benefits.

Runescape Skilling off-hands Items Guides


Orthen furnace core

The Orthen furnace core is a skilling off-hands that provides bonuses to Firemaking and Smithing. When using this item, Superheat Form will no longer drain your Prayer. It also provides a 2.5% chance to receive a refunded bar when smithing, which is a 25% better chance than the 2% chance you get with the standard Orthen furnace core. Additionally, it spawns Forge Phoenixes instead of Fire Spirits when training Smithing.


To obtain the Orthen furnace core, players must complete the Firemaking section of the Infernal Source mystery and then combine an Infernal Tarnished Ore with a Phoenix Lair Forge.


Sana's fyrtorch

The Sana's fyrtorch is a skilling off-hands that requires level 80 Fletching to craft or level 80 Woodcutting to use. It provides a 6% success chance when Woodcutting, which is equivalent to the +3 perk. It also provides a 20% double log chance, which effectively increases your experience per hour by 20%, and it stacks with the Perfect Juju Woodcutting potion. The Sana's fyrtorch can also be used to remove sticky fungus during the Cross's fight.


To obtain the Sana's fyrtorch, players must complete the Firemaking and Woodcutting sections of the Infernal Source mystery and then combine an Infernal Tarnished Ore with a Magic Log.


Tagga's corehammer

The Tagga's corehammer is a skilling off-hands that requires level 80 Smithing to craft or level 80 Mining to use. It provides a 10% higher critical strike chance and a 35% higher critical strike damage, which effectively increases your experience per hour by 7% when AFKing and using Stone Spirits, a Perfect Energy Mining potion, and the Golem outfit. The Tagga's corehammer also gives you a 10% chance to get triple ores when mining, which works on both Bloodwood trees and Crystal trees.


To obtain the Tagga's corehammer, players must complete the Smithing section of the Infernal Source mystery and then combine an Infernal Tarnished Ore with a Tiger's Eye.


Artificial's Measure

The Artificial's Measure is a skilling off-hands that requires players to have level 99 Crafting, 102 Archaeology, 81 Mining, and 40 Dungeoneering. It also requires players to have completed the Plague's End and Legacy of Seergio quests. This off-hands provides a 1.25x bonus for both the Scroll of Dexterity and the Scroll of Proficiency, which can help players gain more experience in various skills. Additionally, it has a 5% chance to create double orange or crystal flasks when making them, which can be useful for making money. The Artificial's Measure also acts as a gem bag, allows players to aerial loot RS GP, and items from the floor when doing a Slayer task, speeds up progress at crows' statues, and provides a permanent version of the Voice of Seren in Harps and L City.


To obtain the Artificial's Measure, players must complete the Oven Digsite miniquest and then combine an Ancient Measuring Device, an Ancient Soothsayer's Device, and a Shifting Tombs Artifact.


Overall, skilling offhands can be incredibly useful and increase your experience per hour significantly. Be sure to consider them when deciding how to maximize your skilling efficiency.

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