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Why Choose Uber Boss Fights Sorceress in Diablo 4 Season 2 Class?

Season 2 of Diablo 4 is on the horizon, and players are keenly anticipating the best class choices. With recent updates and a careful analysis of patch notes, Sorceress emerges as the top contender for multiple reasons.



Why Choose Uber Boss Fights Sorceress in Diablo 4 Season 2 Class?


The Power of Hydra

The significant increase in the Hydra skill damage—from 12% to a whopping 60%—positions it uniquely. No other skills in the recent updates have received such a dramatic boost.


Emphasis on DOT (Damage Over Time)

This season, irrespective of your class choice, it's imperative to consider DOT damage due to its superiority in the gameplay. DOT doesn't rely on crit, rendering the nerfs on vulnerable damage and crit damage inconsequential for it. A detailed analysis by Lucky Luciano (linked below) sheds light on this topic.


Sorceress's Resistances and Intelligence

With the game's reworked resistances, the Sorceress class shines due to its natural ability to gain free resistances from intelligence. Achieving high resistances is easier with the Sorceress since intelligence directly contributes to all resistances. The max resistance stands at 70, and with the intelligence boosts from gear, reaching this becomes highly attainable.


Legendary Nodes and Damage Multipliers

A new node for the Elemental Summoner presents an intriguing advantage. This node reduces the cooldown and mana cost of conjuration skills while also providing bonus damage that takes into account fire, lightning, and cold damage. This triple dipping of non-physical damage grants the Sorceress an unparalleled edge, especially when paired with the new item, Aspect of Elements.


Chain Lightning-Hydra Hybrid Build

While it's still in the beta phase and the new seasonal mechanic hasn't been unveiled, this hybrid build is promising. Chain lightning provides excellent responsiveness, and the Hydra acts as a powerful turret. The combination offers versatility, especially during boss fights, making it a prime choice for the upcoming season.


Advantages in Boss Fights

Flame Shield, a skill unique to the Sorceress, proves invaluable in boss fights. It acts as a buffer against potentially fatal attacks, granting the player a precious immunity window. This ability is particularly useful against the anticipated boss mechanics in Season 2.



While the season isn't officially out, preliminary analyses and insider information hint at the Sorceress's dominance. The recent changes to the class, coupled with the ability to adapt and counter new boss mechanics, position the Sorceress at the pinnacle of class choices for Season 2. Players are encouraged to explore DOT builds and to capitalize on the numerous advantages the Sorceress class offers.

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