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Diablo 4 End Game Guide: Tips for Efficient Farming and Progression

In Diablo 4 end game, efficient farming and progression are crucial to reaching level 100 and acquiring powerful loot. This guide provides valuable tips to speed up your farming activities, particularly in nightmare dungeons. Additionally, we'll explore how to optimize your time between runs and make the most out of essential town areas. Let's dive in!

 Diablo 4 End Game Guide: Tips for Efficient Farming and Progression


Utilize the Tree of Whispers

After completing a nightmare dungeon, make it a habit to use the Tree of Whispers located on the map. This town area is an excellent hub for sorting out your loot and preparing for the next run. It offers a vendor, blacksmith, and a stash, providing everything you need in one convenient location.


Take Advantage of the Town of Dobrev Taiga

When you need to interact with vendors or upgrade your jewellery, the town of Dobrev Taiga is an excellent choice. Its layout places everything relatively close together, allowing you to quickly access the occultist or add a socket to your gear. This town's efficiency can save you time during your farming sessions.


Consider The Emerald Chase Towns

While maximum efficiency is important, exploring towns with unique atmospheres is sometimes enjoyable. For example, Cat Badu offers a distinct ambiance that some players may find appealing. Feel free to visit your favorite town occasionally to enhance your overall gaming experience.


Optimize Loot Sorting

As you progress further into the end game, salvaging certain items becomes less relevant due to the abundance of materials, such as raw hide and superior leather. Instead, focus on salvaging weapons and jewelry to acquire simple orders for upgrading. Once you have enough, it's generally more efficient to sell everything for Diablo 4 Gold rather than salvage. Remember to prioritize salvaging over armor pieces.


Marking Items as Junk

To streamline the selling process, mark unwanted items as junk. By pressing the spacebar while hovering over an item, you can apply the "junk" label, which is indicated by a slash through the icon. This allows you to sell all marked items to a vendor with a single click. However, exercise caution with marked sigils, as they will be sold as well. Mark items as junk only when you are ready to sell them.


Utilize Downtime for Inventory Management

During dungeon runs, there are moments of downtime where you can quickly manage your inventory. Use this time to mark items as junk and sort out your desired items. For example, during the delay before activating the Glyph Stone in Open Wound, open your inventory and mark a few items as junk. This practice optimizes your time and reduces wait periods between runs.



With these tips, you can enhance your farming efficiency and progression in the end game of Diablo 4. Utilize the Tree of Whispers, leverage the layout of the town of Dobrev Taiga, and explore The Emerald Chase towns to make your farming sessions more enjoyable. Remember to prioritize salvaging weapons and jewelry for upgrading and use the Mark as Junk feature to expedite the selling process. By applying these strategies, you'll make the most out of your end game activities and pave the way for success in Diablo 4.

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