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PoE 3.23 Builds: How to pick the right league starter for you?

PoE 3.23 Affliction will hit on December 8th, it's time to prepare your own league starter! So the question is, how to choose a correct and suitable starting league build for you? Does this question make you feel a lot of pressure? Don't worry, Today, we 're unwrapping the secrets of choosing a league starter that fits your style, goals, and expectations


PoE 3.23 Builds: How to pick the right league starter for you?


What a League Starter Is?

First things first, what's a League starter? Well, it's changed over the years and now, it's pretty subjective. For some, it's about clearing the entire Atlas, snagging all four Void Stones, and nailing every invitation. Others? They're just here to tick off map bonuses and grab a couple of VoidStones. So, before you even peek at builds, set a clear goal for what you want your build to accomplish early in the league.


Setting Your Goals & Expectations

Decide what your build should achieve and how much PoE currency you're willing to invest. Then, think about how quickly you plan to hit mid-tier Yellow Maps. This point is crucial because most builds can reach here with minimal investment. But, hitting the red Maps? That's where the real investment starts.


Economy & Builds

Remember, the Path of Exile economy fluctuates. Prices for items like rare uniques or T1 uniques can skyrocket as the league progresses. So, if your build depends on these, get them early. But if you're not a currency-making machine in the early days, be realistic about what you can afford.


Fun vs. Efficiency

Ask yourself: are you after fun or efficiency? If playing a build you dislike for a week sounds awful, maybe it's not worth it. League start should be about enjoying the game, not turning it into a chore.


One Character or Several?

Decide if your League starter is your sole focus for the league or just a stepping stone for another character. If you're planning to stick with one character, don't stress too much about it being League start viable.


Recap Your League Start Checklist

  • Set realistic goals.
  • Understand your playtime and how it affects your build's economy.
  • Decide between fun and efficiency.
  • Be honest about your currency-making capabilities.
  • Determine if this is your one-and-only character for the league.


Busting Myths & Misconceptions

  • You don't have to rush: The game has evolved. You can make good currency even in mid-tier maps.
  • Not all builds need to be cheap: You can still make an off-meta build work. Just adjust your expectations.
  • Playtime isn't everything: Efficient play beats out long hours. Quality over quantity!


How to Choose Your Build in PoE 3.23?

  • YouTube: Look for builds with clear endgame versions, POBs, and leveling guides. Timestamps are a godsend.
  • POE Forums and Reddit: Great for finding a variety of builds and community feedback.
  • POE Ninja and Twitch: Use these to see what's trending and how builds perform in real-time.


Patch Notes

PoE 3.23 Patch notes are vital, but they can be tricky. If you're unsure, ask the community or follow a trusted content creator who'll break it down for you.


FAQ: Should I Practice a Build for League Start?

To practice or not to practice? That is the question. If you're crafting a guide like me, then yeah, practice is key. But if you're following someone else's guide and you've done your homework, jump right in at League start. Remember, even a 30-40 minute Act 1 run can make a difference. But don't burn out on practice runs - you'll be doing it for real soon enough!


FAQ: What if My League Start Build is a Dud?

Hit a dead end with your build? Don't panic. First, check what class you're playing and hop onto POE Ninja or YouTube for inspiration. You can usually respec into a viable build for little to no cost. Pro tip: If your dud was a spell build, find another spell build for fewer respec points. Remember, it's quicker than restarting the entire campaign!


FAQ: Is It Okay to Switch Builds Mid-League?

Not loving your build? It's a personal call. If you're in the leveling phase using a different skill, hang in there. But if you're hating your endgame build, consider a respec. Just remember, most builds feel underwhelming in the early days. Push through the struggle unless the playstyle is a total mismatch for you.


FAQ: How Do I Make Currency Without Grinding Hours?

Making bank in POE without the grind? It's doable. You don't need marathon gaming sessions to build up currency. Focus on efficient play and target specific mechanics. Don't sweat if you're behind others in progression. Making currency at any point in the game is possible with the right strategies.


Remember, Path of Exile is a journey, not a race. Whether you're new or a seasoned exile, it's all about finding what works for you. Don't be afraid to tweak your approach, and most importantly, have fun. 

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